[Ccpg] Tickets to Symbiosis Gathering for Permaculturists Volunteers

Leonard Barrett leonard at barrettecological.com
Thu Jul 30 11:11:57 PDT 2009

Hey there you lovely permaculture all-stars:

I'm working with Symbiosis Events (Bay Area, CA, USA) to help create  
their Eco-Exploratorium (basically a bunch of beautiful, artistic  
permaculture demonstration projects projects) at this year's Symbiosis  
Festival. (http://www.symbiosisgathering.com/)  First a little about  
this amazing festival:


Symbiosis Gathering is in it's fourth year since inception.  It's put  
together by a group of very progressive producers from the Bay Area,  
several of whom I know personally, and several of whom have taken a  
PDC.  This year the event is happening at an amazing new site in  
Yosemite National Park.  This lineup includes:

Presentations and Workshops By:

Fritjof Capra
Alex Grey
Daniel Pinchbeck
James Stark
and others...

Music By:

Amon Tobin
Coco Rosie
Os Mutantes
Les Claypool
Flying Lotus
Glitch Mob
and many many more...


How to get the Tickets:

Below is an application for folks who have (or would like to build)  
demonstration projects which could include (but are certainly not  
limited to):

*Rainwater Harvesting
*Beekeeping (some sort of demo that does NOT include live bees)
*Bicycle-powered appliances/contraptions

Again, this is just a start, feel free to submit ideas for other  

Whatever it is, it should be able to be transport it deep into the  
woods in California (Yosemite National Park), set it up, show it for  
the duration of the festival, and then deconstruct/haul away.  These  
are NOT for permanent installation.

There is some funding available for projects requiring a budget,  
please describe in the application the amount of money you need to  
complete a proposed project, and how it will be allocated.  The more  
creative and awe-inspiring your project, the more likely it will be to  
get funding.  Preference will generally be given to projects that are  
already built, or that require low-or no funding.

Feel free to email katrinazavalney at gmail.com if you have any questions  
about the application.

All the best, I hope to see some of y'all down there with cool  
projects to teach people about!



Eco Exploratorium Application
Return by Aug 1, 2009


Name of Demonstration or Installation:

Why is your project significant to you? How do you envision educating  
and inspiring others through it?

What kinds of materials and resources will you be using?

What transportation or travel needs are involved?

Please provide a detailed drawing of your installation or  
demonstration with dimensions noted (feel free to use the back of this  
sheet, or send in an attachment).

A note about the installations:

	• The installations are intended to be creative, inspiring,  
physically and visually interactive, and educational pieces designed  
to engage each 	attendee’s own interpretation and learning experience.  
Ecological practices are strongly encouraged.
	• Once set up, installations are self-contained and do not require  
your presence unless it is requested. If so, your onsite coordinator  
will let you 	know and schedule as needed.
	• Once your application is submitted, you will receive a response  
within 10 days. Set-up times are September 14 at 1pm until September  
17 at 	2pm. Take-down will begin promptly at 4pm on September 21.

Please mail applications to 10 Piper Lane Fairfax CA 94930 or fax  
415.458.2416. For questions or to scan please contact Katrina Zavalney  
at 503.459.1345 or katrinazavalney at gmail.com.

Leonard Barrett
gaiascapes inc.
barrett ecological services llc.



office: 503.233.4337
cell: 503.425.9706
fax: 503.914.5588

lcb #8632

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