Hello SLO Permaculture Guild,


A reminder that we have an event this Wednesday November 30th at Bliss Café and a work party this Saturday, December 3rd at Our Global Family Village at City Farm.


Healing Inner & Outer Gardens - Free Evening Talk on Wed., Nov. 30th at 7 pm w/ Leif Skogberg, Master Gardener, Permaculture Teacher, & Holistic Designer, Healer & Coach at Bliss Café

Appreculture Design Institute Presents  2016 Whole Life Design, California Tour with Leif Skogberg giving a talk on Healing Inner and Outer Gardens Dinner at 6pm at Bliss Café.


Leif’s Teachings offer a simple yet profound nature-based approach to holistic living in both philosophy and application. He offers practical tools, strategies & techniques for creating a more resilient, thriving & sustainable world; from the inside out. Leif teaches Permaculture Design and calls his unique system of inner and outer sustainability; Appreculture. Think of it as “appreciation and culture” put together to restore all our relations.


Appreculture is about creating a socially, ecologically and economically appropriate culture of regenerative and sustainable growth, universal gratitude for all of life on Earth and sincere compassion for all of Earthly creation. A culture where people appreciate natural systems (minerals, plants, animals and humans), global human diversity and the day-to-day challenge of the human journey. The goal is to collaboratively design and build a culture and society that is conscious, regenerative and life affirming.

Come early to enjoy a delicious dinner at 6 pm and then explore insights of the new Appreculture Design system, as well as transformational practices for restoring land, community and the self on November 30th with guest teacher, Leif Skogberg.

Website: http://www.leifskogberg.com/home


Here is the Facebook event invite:




Our Global Family Village – community work day on Saturday, December 3rd 9am – 12noon.

One of our local permaculture projects is a demonstration garden called Our Global Family Village located at City Farm. Please come to the land and help create a place where we can model permaculture farm practices. This “village” will become a place for families to picnic, school groups to have field trips, students to learn & play, and all of us to gather as one family. Come check it out. You can be part of creating this legacy project. Here is a YouTube video taken at the project site with Teresa Tree Lees:



The way to get there is to see the “farm along the freeway” on Highway 101 in San Luis Obispo at Los Osos Valley Road and follow Calle Joaquin Road north to the end of the cul-de-sac past the car dealerships. Take the dirt road going straight (no longer take the side dirt road on the left) and then follow the dirt road by the billboard and continue to where all the sheds are and park there by the Central Coast Grown sign. Our Global Family Village is where the four flags are blowing in the wind and the gathering center is in the middle where the green canopies are. Hope to see you there this Saturday.


Teresa Tree Lees

SLO Permaculture Guild