Hi Moksha,


There is Central Coast Permaculture listserve: central-coast-ca-permaculture@permaculture-guilds.org

There is SB Permaculture Network

There is SLO Permaculture Guild & Permaculture in SLO County on Facebook

There are natural food stores

There is Trinity Gardens in Santa Barbara

There is SB Food & Farm Adventures MeetUp Group

There is SLO Food & Farm Adventures MeetUp Group

There is the Center for Sustainability at Cal Poly

There is a UC Santa Barbara and SBCC

There are libraries

There is the Sustainable Radio in SB

There is Nature’s Touch in Templeton


This is a quick list.





From: Moksha Badarayan [mailto:ge0_m0@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2019 1:11 PM
Subject: PDC Event Listing Resources




I'm compiling a list of online and print publications where we can list/advertise our upcoming Permaculture Design Course (PDC).  Since you are more familiar with the Permaculture and Agriculture community (local - SB, SLO, Ventura Counties - and national), can you share any popular sources that you know of (forums, online newspapers/newsletters, events listings, college/training/informational websites)?  Free advertising is great, but there is a budget for placing ads/listings, too.


Also, I'm compiling a list of local locations where we can post flyers (coffee/tea shops, juice bars, natural/health-food restaurants/grocery stores, etc.) - if you know of anyplace, please let me know.


