[Lapg] Creating Eco-Villages with Robina McCurdy

eric werbalowsky ewerb at ewerb.com
Mon Aug 16 02:22:26 PDT 2004

Dear Permies, Communitarians, and assorted coolios -

Please help to promote some dynamic events coming up
next week Aug. 21 through the 29th, from SLO to LA. 

Robina McCurdy is an internationally renowned
permaculture educator with expertise in training
groups in the best design practises for community
development within a permaculture framework. She is
really good.

Check out any of her SoCal events and you will be well
rewarded with some extra bunny hops towards that
hippie hog heaven we all aspire to florish in someday

One page pdf format flyers for several of her six
SoCal events are available for
viewing/download/printing at

We can pack these great presentations with interested
folks by printing a few flyers (easy to print small
pdf files) and posting them where conscious
individuals may roam and hand some more flyers to the
same (c'mon, you can find 'em). It'll be great! Thanks
to all in advance.


ps i am just a helper monkey on this, big props to
wes, margie and all the sponsoring hosts for putting
together yet another crucial series...pretty damn cool
and we don't even live in Oregon...way to go peeps!

Southern California Robina McCurdy Event Times &

Sat. Aug 21 San Luis Obispo Public Library Talk &
Slide Show 7pm examples of building healthy community 

Sun. Aug 22 CEC Gildea Resource Center, SB 10am-
4:30pm “Facilitating Permaculture with Children”
$75/$60 early reg.

Mon. Aug 23  
SB Downtown Library Slide Show 7pm  “Transforming
Schools Thru Permaculture” $5

Tues. Aug 24  
The Farmer and the Cook, Meiners Oaks (near Ojai), 5pm
  Dinner / Social to meet Robina, 640-9808.
Slide Show 8pm at Full Circle Farm (upper Ojai) 
“Ecovillages & Sustainable Communities around the
Planet” $5 Full Circle Farm contact: Onah 805-640-6480

Thurs. Aug. 26  
L.A. Eco-Village, Slide Show & Talk 7:30pm “Community
Glue” - global examples of building healthy community
and that which binds it together, followed by
discussion. Fee: $10 (sliding scale ok)
L.A. Eco-Village, 117 Bimini Place, L. A. 90004   tel.
213/738-1254   <www.ic.org/laev>

Fri. Aug. 27  L.A. Eco-Village, Slide Show & Talk
7:30pm “Ecovillages & Sustainable Communities around
the Planet”
Slides of ecovillages and communities throughout the
world, their similarities, differences and common
learnings. The presentation includes some of the
processes Robina uses to build sustainable community
and her participatory approach to permaculture land
use design and development. Fee: $10 (sliding scale ok
- incl. w/workshop fee)

Fri./Sat. Aug. 27-28  L.A. Eco-Village, Two-day
workshop 9:30am- 5:30pm “Creating a Culture of
Abundance in Urban Neighborhoods and Ecovillages”
Topics include: permaculture principles applied to
economic development, internal community labor
systems, trading within the wider community,
LETSystems, different economic approaches to
ecovillage/intentional community membership (including
rights, privileges and responsibilities),
entrepreneurial attitudes and commercial ethical
businesses (including small green co-ops and sole
proprietorships), supporting community endeavors,
economic indicators of sustainability, and quality of
life as an economic advantage. Limited to 16 persons .
$100-$200 (sliding scale). Please make check out to
CRSP and send to: 117 Bimini Place #221, LA, CA 90004.
RSVP to Lois Arkin 213-738-1254 or <crsp at igc.org>by
Aug. 23

Sun. Aug 29 Path to Freedom Sustainable Living
Resource Center, Pasadena, Workshop 9am- 4:30pm
“Design in Partnership with Nature”  (Sliding scale:
$135 - $45) Contact: Anais Dervaes
<dervaes at pathtofreedom.com>
also Slideshow 7pm: “Permaculture Gardens Around the
Planet” (sliding scale$15 - $5 )

About Robina McCurdy - Robina is a New Zealander and
planetary citizen. She is co-founder/resident/trustee
of Tui Land Trust & Community and founder/trustee of
the Institute for Earthcare Education Aotearoa. For
three decades, Robina engaged in broad scale community
development. During the past 18 years, she has
specialized in permaculture design and teaching,
organic growing, the development of environmental
education resources and the creation of participatory
processes for decision making and collective action.
She has taught and applied these powerful community
building methods with households, neighborhoods,
schools, farms, ecovillages, urban neighborhoods and
bioregions in Aotearoa/New Zealand, Australia, South
Africa, Ireland, Brazil and USA. Throughout her life,
she has worked with minimal resources to bring about
significant changes in the lives of people, their
communities and their environment.

Contact Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, 
sbpcnet at silcom.com or 805-964-1555 for more info.

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