[Lapg] Zero waste policy in Los Angeles

Cory Brennan cory8570 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 1 01:13:26 PST 2008

This is from another list I'm on.  I had no idea!   Can anybody go to this?   I may be out of town, but it's important to get some educated and comprehensive viewpoints in there, no?   This is our chance to present some real sustainable or even regenerative design concepts to the City of Los Angeles.   This could turn out to be a joke or a very long, drawn out and wasteful process if we do not do so and vested interests carry the day.  


             The next meeting of the LACity Dept. of Sanitation  on the ZeroWaste program
 is on February 2nd. at the LA Convention Center. You can find out all about
 it at   http://www.lacity. org/san/srssd/ swirp/   For the past year the City
 has been soliciting ideas, advice, concerns, and proposals from anyone and
 everyone who lives within the city boundaries. The response has been
 underwhelming but sufficient that the program is being shaped and will be
 implemented. At the last meeting we attended, horse owners were present in
 disproportionate numbers to present their concerns and demands regarding
 manure pickup. Others who have been heard from  are restaurant owners,
 machine shop owners and so on. If  you think your bio-intensive,
 permacultural orientation  and innate innovative genius deserves to be
 voiced along with these noisome  groups to determine the priorities and
 policies of the soon to be announced zero solid waste program, Speak Now
 (2/2/08,that is) or Forever Hold Your Peace.   Ancient legal principle:
 Silence Implies Consent  (Qui tacet consentir, as the Roman lawyers said)
 Free catered lunch on china with no disposable utensils and all food
 compostable, or so it was at the July meeting.
  Hallelujah and a Happy New Year to All

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