[Lapg] Solutions to burning lumber and terra preta question

Cory Brennan cory8570 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 10 11:51:41 PDT 2008

I have a friend who lives in Oregon and watches the lumber companies burning their "unusable" lumber and hates it.  She says they don't have any other solutions because chipping it for wood products is too expensive and hauling it somewhere is too expensive too.  

Anybody have ideas of how this could be handled?  Of course, they should just eat the expense and do the right thing, but most of them are not going to do that, at least right now.  She knows some of the guys and might be able to get somewhere with them, to do something or other that would be less destructive if they would not lose money on it.

I've been reading about terra preta but it doesn't seem this is ready for a commercial application with lumber companies quite yet. I am not versed on the subject - just finding out about it and would like to know more if anybody out there knows specifics.

Second question, anybody have a good design for creating terra preta on a small, individual scale?  I have so much access to brown organic (way more than I can use), I'm looking at different ways to use it. 


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