[Lapg] Fwd: California Biomonitoring Survey

Diana Liu diana1127 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 30 13:45:49 PDT 2008

Please forward to anyone or agencies or enivornmental groups that may be interested.  I completed about half way through.  I don't think that it's the most comprehensive survey about monitoring toxic chemicals, but this is a start.  Please provide any comments and thoughts you have to the program.  
  Take care, and have a great day.
  >>> "biomonitoring biomonitoring" 04/30/08 9:38 AM >>>
We are sending you a link to the California Biomonitoring Program Chemical Selection Survey because you previously registered for one of the Program's teleconferences or workshops. Biomonitoring can be used to help understand our exposure to many environmental chemicals. In addition, biomonitoring can provide information about how well environmental protection efforts and laws are working to protect the public from too much exposure to specific toxic chemicals. 

Since we cannot measure all environmental chemicals, the Program needs your help to prioritize where to begin. To help gather information about public priorities, we have created a survey in English and Spanish to gather your ideas about which chemical should be measured and what should influence the choice of these chemicals. We invite you to take this survey. It should take about 20 minutes to complete and can be taken online via the following link:

To take the survey go to http://tinyurl.com/4qskwz 

A Spanish version of the survey is also available at: http://tinyurl.com/559vpl 

We also hope that you will share the link to this survey with others who you think may have an interest in participating in this effort. The deadline for completing the survey is May 7. 

The results of the survey will be critical for designing the next phase of the Program. A summary of the findings will also be made available to the public and posted on the California Biomonitoring Program's website at www.oehha.ca.gov.

If you have any questions, or problems accessing the survey, please email biomonitoring at oehha.ca.gov 


David Berger

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
                                   - Lao Tzu
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