[Lapg] WHOOPS - That would be VENICE/Silverlake room to rent...

Denise Flanagan deniseflanagan at earthlink.net
Thu May 8 00:32:19 PDT 2008

Sorry. Venice. NOT Ventura. No wonder some of you were confused. lol... Clearly, me too!


Denise Flanagan <deniseflanagan at earthlink.net> wrote:

    Looking to live 'in community' with other permies; moving up from Orange County. Have a worm bin, a dwarf bunny rabbit, and a hybrid car, but could reluctantly part with the bunny if a great situation is available that doesn't allow for pets.

    Sorry to invade your mailbox with this request, but wanting to put down roots in good soil!



    deniseflanagan at earthlink.net

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