[Lapg] Fwd: Garden Chats at LA Garden Show-April 30, May 1, May 2

Joan Stevens mamabotanica at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 29 17:52:11 PDT 2010

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Yvonne Savio" <ydsavio at ucdavis.edu>
> Date: April 29, 2010 1:17:19 PM PDT
> To: "08-09 Work" <ydsavio at ucdavis.edu>
> Subject: Garden Chats at LA Garden Show-April 30, May 1, May 2

> Hi, All –
> See below my signature info.
> UCCE Master Gardeners will be at the Plant Information booth.  Come  
> visit!
> Ciao for now.
> Yvonne Savio
> Common Ground Garden Program Manager
> University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
> PO Box 22255
> 4800 E. Cesar E. Chavez Avenue
> Los Angeles CA 90022
> Phone:   323-260-3407
> Fax:       323-881-0067
> Email:    ydsavio at ucdavis.edu
> Website: http://celosangeles.ucdavis.edu/Common_Ground_Garden_Program/
> Master Gardener Email Gardening helpline:  mglosangeleshelpline at ucdavis.edu
> Master Gardener Phone Gardening helpline:  323-260-3238
> Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Common-Ground-Garden-Program-UC-Cooperative-Extension-Los-Angeles-County/124160624772
> Facebook:  www.facebook.com/YvonneSavio
> 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award, Los Angeles Community Garden Council
> 2007 Certificate of Commendation, Los Angeles Unified School District
> 2006 Certificate of Appreciation, City of Los Angeles
> 2004 "Feeding the Hungry" Garden Crusader Award, Gardener's Supply  
> Company
> Since 1978, the Common Ground Garden program has helped Los Angeles  
> County residents to garden, grow their own food, and healthfully  
> prepare it.  Our targeted audience and priority are to serve limited- 
> resource residents and those traditionally underrepresented.  By  
> training community volunteers, we empower neighborhoods to create  
> their own solutions.  Our Master Gardener volunteers work primarily  
> with community gardens, school gardens, seniors, and homeless and  
> battered women's shelters.
> In 2009, 192 Master Gardeners volunteered 9,955 hours serving 63,624  
> low-income gardeners in Los Angeles County at 41 community gardens,  
> 71 school gardens, 14 homeless and battered-women’s shelter gardens, 
>  6 senior gardens, and 14 fairs and farmers markets.
> From: Jill Berry [mailto:Jill.Berry at arboretum.org]
> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 10:29 AM
> To: Jill Berry
> Subject: Garden Chats at LA Garden Show-April 30, May 1, May 2
> Hi Everyone –
> The LA Garden Show at The Arboretum begins tomorrow, Friday, April  
> 30 through Sunday, May 2!  Don’t miss it!
> GARDEN CHATS at The Arboretum-- FRIDAY, APRIL 30
> 301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007 – 9am-4:30pm
> Free to members / free with Arboretum admission - Admission: $8  
> adults / $6 seniors & students with ID / $3 children ages 5-12 /
> children ages 4 and under are free
> 11am                       Nancy Goslee Power, Landscape Designer,  
> Author
> The Power of Gardens / Ayres Hall / Book signing to follow
> Nancy Goslee Power is a celebrated garden designer whose firm has  
> built countless gardens, both public and private, around the world.   
> The recipient of countless awards, Nancy’s designs reflect the atten 
> tion she pays to each place’s particularity and to the desires and l 
> iving patterns of those who will use and enjoy her gardens. From her 
>  lifetime of experiences, she has put together a series of design pr 
> incipals that reflect a process and an approach with which she imagi 
> nes and creates outdoor spaces. Each of her projects reminds us of t 
> he power that gardens have to refresh the body, center the mind and  
> liberate the spirit. www.nancypower.com .
> 12Noon                  Gary Jones, Plantsman, Armstrong  Garden  
> Centers
> Green Architecture – Volume and Shape in the Mediterranean Garden /  
> Ayres Hall
> Enjoy a visual tour of gardens that relies on shrub forms to create  
> exciting and dramatic outdoor spaces. Low-water Mediterranean plants  
> are ideally suited to bring to life artful and dynamic garden  
> architecture.  Gary Jones is a popular lecturer whose nursery,  
> Hortus, was famous for extraordinary plants and plant combinations,  
> innovative classes and inspired staff.  Gary is Vice President of  
> Marketing at Armstrong Garden Centers, Inc., an employee-owned  
> company founded in 1889. www.armstronggarden.com
> 1pm                        Steve Gerischer, Landscape Designer,  
> Educator
> Strategies for Sustainability - Easy Ways to Keep Your Garden  
> "green" / Ayres Tent
> Keeping a 'green' garden need not be a strenuous affair. A change in  
> the way we perceive things is easy-and becomes a way of life with no  
> added burden beyond the fun challenge of finding new uses for old  
> things and better, more ecologically responsible ways to cultivate  
> our yard. 'Sustainability' is a confusing concept for some-but a  
> popular catch phrase for everything under the sun these days. Learn  
> some simple, fun ways to effortlessly reduce the amount of precious  
> resources you use every day. Let nature do your work for you.  Steve 
> ’s company, Larkspur Garden Design, delights clients with imaginativ 
> e ideas and problem-solving expertise.  He is also President of the  
> Southern California Horticultural Society. sglarkspur at aol.com
> 2pm                        Gisele Schoniger, Organic Gardening  
> Educator, Kellogg Garden Products
> Build Healthy Soils Organically / Ayres Tent
> Sustainable is attainable and so are safe gardening practices!   
> Learn to feed organically and minimize pest and disease issues.   
> Understanding the biology of soil will help you to build a healthy  
> garden naturally.  Learn about the soil food web and mycorrhizal  
> fungi and how to care for a living breathing soil. In her 30 years  
> in the garden industry, Giselle has accumulated a wide range of  
> experience and knowledge.  She has owned an interiorscape company,  
> worked for the State Department of Agriculture, practiced as a  
> horticultural therapist, and helped establish top-selling organic  
> gardening products with Kellogg Garden Products, a family business  
> selling horticultural products throughout the West.  www.kellogggarden.com
> 3pm                        Bob Perry, Author, Landscape Architect &  
> Educator
> Creating Attractive and Sustainable Residential Gardens /Ayres  
> Hall / Book signing before & after talk
> Bob will present planting ideas and guidelines that are suited for  
> attractive and sustainable residential gardens for San Gabriel  
> Valley communities.  Examples of garden designs will be shown to  
> illustrate the use of various planting palettes that have  
> distinctive aesthetic character and compatible water and maintenance  
> needs.  These gardens will feature the use of Mediterranean,  
> California native and arid climate plant species. Bob is a  
> recognized expert in areas of landscape plants and water conserving  
> garden design. He has recently written and published, Landscape  
> Plants for California Gardens, a comprehensive color illustrated  
> garden reference.   www.landdesignpublishing.com
> GARDEN CHATS at The Arboretum -- SATURDAY, MAY 1
> Free to members / free with admission
> 11am                       Steve Goto, Tomato Guru
> Grow the Perfect Tomato! / Ayres Tent
> Steve will talk about everything you need to know to grow organic  
> tomatoes, including heirlooms! His Top 2010 Tomato Picks (based on  
> the favorite tomatoes at his tastings from the year before) have  
> become legendary so after his talk, be sure to visit the Tomatomania  
> booth and Arboretum Plants Tent where there will be lots of plants  
> for sale. Steve recently spoke to almost 200 people at The Arboretum 
> ’s Great Tomato Sale in March, when over 60 flats of seedlings were  
> sold in less than 2 hours!  www.gotomato.us.com
> 12Noon                  Nicholas Staddon, New Plant Introductions,  
> Monrovia Growers
> Essential Plants with Excellent Credentials / Ayres Tent
> Whether your garden is formal, informal, a deck, balcony, and a few  
> containers or as Nicholas often describes his own...an organized  
> jumble...Nicholas will provide us with a core group of "Garden  
> Essential" plants for Southern California.  This talk includes new  
> water wise plants from New Zealand and Australia, as well as plants  
> that will create a foundation to attract wildlife into the garden,  
> and of course fruiting plants that are tried and true in the area.  
> And, knowing Nicholas, he always has some special plant or two  
> tucked under the table as a surprise. Many of the plants presented  
> will also be on sale at the Monrovia display. www.monrovia.com
> 1pm                        Darren Butler, Arborist and Sustainable  
> Landscaping Specialist
> Ten Trees in One: Grafting Citrus and Avocados / Ayres Tent
> Grow multiple varieties of oranges, mandarins and tangerines,  
> lemons, limes, grapefruits, and other citrus all on the same tree.  
> May is the best month in Southern California for grafting many  
> citrus and some avocados. This talk includes a demonstration of a  
> simple grafting method with a high rate of success for beginners.  
> Darren is an ecological landscape designer, consulting arborist,  
> greywater & irrigation designer, and teacher. He has appeared on  
> several episodes of "Weekend Gardening" for an international  
> television audience, on NPR radio, in newspapers, and in other  
> national and local media. www.EcoWorkshops.com
> 2pm                        Caitlin Bergman, Permaculturist at The  
> Arboretum
> Enter the Permasphere: Portal to Permaculture / Ayres Hall
> Come drink from an oasis of possibilities that looks at nature  
> through the lens of a global revolution in sustainability.  With  
> innovative landscape design and the nourishing of resilient  
> ecosystems in our own backyards, difficulties become opportunities  
> and scarcity blossoms into abundance. Create harmonious habitats  
> that are productive gardens teaming with lush soil –“food  
> forests” rich in fruit trees, fragrant herbs, shrubs, vegetables, vi 
> nes, and flowers.  Caitlin is a Certified Permaculture Designer, con 
> sultant and educator, and a horticulturist and permaculturist at The 
>  Arboretum.  www.SayPermaculture.com
> 3pm                        Laura Morton, Garden Designer
> California got the Gold, Silver & Bronze...and it's all Green! /  
> Ayres Tent
> What isn't to love about the native plant communities of Southern  
> California or the many ways we can design our landscape for outdoor  
> living all year long? They don't call it the Golden State for  
> nothing.   So Cal has a natural and distinctive color palate of  
> golden oranges and yellows, luminous silver and shimmery greens and  
> the deepest mahogany-bronze bark and seedpods, not to mention a  
> complete range of blue tones.   .Join award-winning professional  
> landscape designer Laura Morton for an eye-opening discourse on  
> designing outdoor spaces and landscapes with a distinctly West Coast  
> aesthetic.   www.lauramortondesign.com
> GARDEN CHATS at The Arboretum -- SUNDAY, MAY 2
> Free to members / free with Arboretum admission
> 11am                       Jill Morganelli, Horticultural Curator,  
> Sustainable Landscape Designer
> Maintaining Your Drought Tolerant Garden / Ayres Tent
> Are you interested in a drought tolerant garden but clueless about  
> how to care for it?  Jill Morganelli will share tried and true tools  
> and techniques to maintain your new Southern California landscape.   
> Learning about these beautiful plants and how to care for them will  
> provide maximum color, vigor and success in your own backyard.  Jill  
> is the Horticultural Curator for The Arboretum, teaches Plant  
> Identification and Organic Fruit & Vegetable Gardening, and is a  
> sustainable landscape designer. panorganic at gmail.com
> 12Noon                  John Lyons, Landscape Designer
> The Totally Organic Summer Vegetable Garden / Ayres Tent
> From the soil up...learn how to design, install and maintain your  
> garden without the use of chemicals or pesticides. Plant choices for  
> Southern California plus feeding and organic pest control will also  
> be discussed.  John is a gardener who designs, installs and  
> maintains edible landscapes, California Native gardens, orchards and  
> wild hedgerows. He recently appeared on HGTV in a program called An  
> Outdoor Room with Jamie Durie in an episode entitled The Edible  
> Garden.  www.thewovengarden.com
> 1pm                        Lili Singer, Horticulturist, Garden  
> Writer & Educator
> Native Trees for Urban Gardens / Ayres Hall
> Trees are the heart of the landscape, and there’s a native tree for  
> every size garden. In addition to beauty, shade, and color, trees pr 
> ovide habitat for native wildlife. Learn which tree species are righ 
> t for your landscape, how to plant and keep them healthy, and how to 
>  select companion plants. Lili is a horticultural consultant and gar 
> den writer, and special projects coordinator for the Theodore Payne  
> Foundation for Wild Flowers & Native Plants (www.theodorepayne.org ) 
> . She also leads the Thursday Garden Talks at The Los Angeles Arbore 
> tum.
> 2pm                        Lara Laskay, Vermiculturist, Urban Worms
> Composting with Worms / Ayres Tent
> Earthworms can break down your garbage, transforming it to “black go 
> ld”, an organic fertilizer for your garden or house plants. As they  
> cultivate and feed, they swallow great quantities of soil and garbag 
> e, digest it, extract its food value, and expel castings. Vermicompo 
> sting is a fun & easy way to significantly reduce your family’s cont 
> ribution to our landfills. Learn to start your own worm bin. www.urban-worms.com
> 3pm                        Reginald Durant, Director of Restoration  
> at Back to Natives
> Back to Native: Alternatives to Traditional Landscape Plants / Ayres  
> Hall
> Reggie Durant will provide information to start or improve existing  
> native habitat garden. Learn about alternatives to traditional  
> landscapes, which native plants attract butterflies & birds, height,  
> spread & water requirements for commonly used natives. Some  
> information on maintenance will be covered, including each plant's  
> capacity for pruning, and tolerance for over or under watering.  BTN  
> promotes native plants, as well as habitat restoration and  
> preservation by providing service learning and volunteer based  
> habitat restoration programs. www.backtonatives.org
> Jill Berry, Program Manager
> Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden
> 301 North Baldwin Ave.
> Arcadia, CA 91007-2697
> Phone: 626.821.4624
> Fax: 626.821.4642
> Jill.Berry at arboretum.org
> www.arboretum.org
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