[Lapg] Biogas workshops

David david at h4c.org
Fri Sep 3 13:08:54 PDT 2010

Dear friends,

I am new to the list, and not sure as yet regarding the courtesies 
specific hereto. Please excuse me, therefore, if I step on or over a 
line somewhere. (Let me know if so.)

I am David House, author of The Complete Biogas Handbook (link below). 
Biogas, a burnable gas generated biologically from materials that can 
be composted, is among the least expensive alternative energies 
available, and many studies show that it is far better than ethanol or 
biodiesel at producing usable energy from a given unit of land. (Sorry 
for the long link, but see 
for solid evidence that the assertion is true.)

I'm posting because I am interested in setting up Beginner's Biogas 
workshops in different areas, to show people how to make and use 
biogas. The hands-on focus is a new low-cost digester design. (These 
two-day workshops are described at 

The workshops would of course be responsive to the local situation, 
but ordinarily everyone who attends will get a copy of the Handbook, a 
CD with a lot of great information on it, and a ~200 gal (0.75 cu m) 
biogas digester kit. The kit will become a full-fledged digester if it 
is put in a greenhouse (for example) to keep it warm; and where it is 
kept warm and well-fed, it offers the possibility of generating enough 
biogas that all of one's cooking fuel can be provided every day.

At present, in setting up workshops in new areas, I prefer to work 
with locals who have at least modest experience with organizing 
events, but more importantly who have or know those who have local 
connections that can be used to inform folks about the workshops. 
That's the specific thing of value for which I'm looking.

I'm open to discussion about sharing revenue or offering a workshop 
for an honorarium.

Are you interested in working together with me to set up a Beginner's 
Biogas Workshop near you?

David William House
"The Complete Biogas Handbook" |www.completebiogas.com|
/Vahid Biogas/, an alternative energy consultancy |www.vahidbiogas.com

"Make no search for water.       But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst."
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)


David William House
"The Complete Biogas Handbook" |www.completebiogas.com|
/Vahid Biogas/, an alternative energy consultancy |www.vahidbiogas.com

"Make no search for water.       But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst."
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)

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