Radio Talk Show KEYT Newsradio 1250 AM Thursday March 25 10 am - 11am Holistic Management with Christopher Peck and Duncan Blair SB local Rancher INTERNET LINK

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at
Tue Mar 23 21:26:26 PST 1999

Hi everyone
	Thanks for asking Bill of Nopomo about listening to the talk show with
Christopher Peck and Duncan Blair on Holistic Management when you can't get
the signal from Santa Barbara. It is on the internet live Instructions- once you have the web page on your screen click on
the icon, once this page comes on click on KEYT.Am . Sorry
for such detailed instructions  but it took me awhile to figure out. Hope
this helps Bill. Hope you tune in.

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