Who wants a volunteer for December?

Fred Chambers regenerative at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 30 23:46:10 PDT 1999

Hello Carolyn, Bill, Doug, Joe, Wolfram, Eric, Bob, et al.

I just received an email from a gal who seems to want to do a little
'eco-tourism' here in Southern Cal.  I don't know what she's into, or how
long she wants to be visiting, but thought that you may be able to connect
her with a project(s).

See what happens when you've got an email address like mine?  Everyone
asssumes ...

>From: "Robin.Burleigh" <Robin.Burleigh at btinternet.com>
>To: <regenerative at earthlink.net>
>Subject: volunteers?
>Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 19:59:00 +0100
>    I am a British youth worker looking for  volunteer oppurtunities
>working with the environment in the USA over december,  just wondered if I
>could help you/ you could help me find something interesting  to do along
>these lines over teh winter? 
> emma 
Cel/Voice-mail: 760-505-8500   <FMChambers at CSUPomona.edu>   Agri-Sciences
On location in Carlsbad, Calif. USA.  Serving an internship at Hubbs-Sea
World's Hubbard Marine Fish Hatchery, and collecting data for my MS in
Sustainable Aquaculture from Cal Poly Pomona.

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