RAINBOW FAMILY: World Gathering of the Tribes 2000: July 1-7: Montana

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Jun 19 07:24:26 PDT 2000

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 17:00:27 EDT
From: EdElkin at aol.com
To: listeeworld at nfg.nl, GMatBM at onelist.com
Subject: RAINBOW FAMILY: World Gathering of the Tribes 2000: July 1-7:


Forwarded Message: 
Subj:    Howdy Folks - Gathering has landed!
Date:   00-06-14 12:32:41 EDT
From:   peacetribes at wildrockies.org
To: peacetribes at wildrockies.org

Howdy Folks,

                  World Gathering of the Tribes 2000 

We who are sisters and brothers, children of humankind, 
friends of nature & all people, Families of life on Earth,  
recognizing the living spirit of light and calling ourselves "rainbow 
Do humbly invite ...    All people, all our Relations, Spiritual Family
to a Gathering, at and around July 1~7, 2000 on public land in Montana 
to Assemble Peaceably for purposes of free expression, 
and at Noon on July 4th to Circle in Silence, offering our most sincere
prayers and petitions for Peace on Earth and the Positive Ecolution of
humankind in harmony with nature,restoring balance to our beloved Earth Home.
~ PEACE, amen, selah ~

When there's no consensus: "wherever you go, there you are" -Buckaroo 
"Which direction HOME?" - Randy Bluez lyric

...on a MONTANA map, find WISDOM, Big Hole Valley, in the SW corner, near
SOUTH of WISDOM ... between there and Dillon, Mt on hwy 278 is JACKSON, 
1/2 mi. SOUTH of JACKSON (second road)  is SKINNER MEADOW ROAD 
.. Go WEST (a right if headed south) toward Idaho, big mountains, 
(good gravel/dirt road - please respect private ranches - drive slow, watch
for cattle)
Go 8.5 MILES, through fence and cattle guard into National Forest
then take LEFT TURN and ONE LANE BRIDGE over creek
   (left turn is approx 1.5 miles before von HOUTEN Lake campground) 
                WELCOME  HOME! 

Please note: Closest supply town (including food and gas) is Dillon, Mt
(where I-15 meets 278)... further north is Butte, MT (where I-15 meets
I-90), or Anaconda, or Missoula, or Salmon, Idaho, on Highway 93... safe
journeys... FEW SERVICES IN WISDOM OR JACKSON, porta potties being arranged 
for travellers... 

Come prepared for cool nights, fire restrictions possible, bring rain gear,
food to share...
Respect the land! Boil or filter water!  Pack out trash! Recycle! Wash cars
for weed control!

        ~ Sponsored by the Spirit of Peace, Love, Justice ~
Live the prayer! Share the Earth! Behold the Vision! Become the Dream!

First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of North America:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Ignore all rumors of cancellation!          Live Lightly with the Land and 

                        Copy and distribute freely!
~~~~Restore the Earth!  Restore the People! ~~~~ 

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