[Sdpg] Re: [Scpg] Designing Care Article from Permaculture Activist Newest Issue on this is the same Patch Adams from the Movie...

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Wed May 2 09:33:58 PDT 2001

Hi Julie
         yes this is the same Patch Adams in the movie, and in the same 
issue of the Permaculture Activist Classified Section this appears

We are looking for vibrant people with a permaculture passion to join us in 
our community., the Gesundheit! Institute in West Virginia,. Primary is 
your exuberance for participation as well as your capacity to care for your 
own delight. Simultaneous is your 10 plus years of direct , full time 
application of Permaculture Principles with a focus on food production and 
energy efficient buildings. Ultimately, we aim to be an example of 
generating our own food and fuel supplies. Untapped is our land's capacity 
to generate consistent hyroelectric power. Direct your first flirts to our 
land staff at 304-653-4438 or email greena at patchadams.org

Now get busy with your permaculture education and experience work is 
opening up at the most amazing places in the future

At 11:20 AM 5/2/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Patch Adams????
>The same guy depicted in the Robin Williams movie of the same name?
>Or is this just a weird coincidence...
>Scpg mailing list
>Scpg at arashi.com

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