[Sdpg] La Rosa Blanca Summer Camp 8 am Thursday, August 23 6 pm Saturday, August 25

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Tue Jul 31 23:21:49 PDT 2001

La Rosa Blanca Summer Camp
8 am Thursday, August 23  6 pm Saturday, August 25
Artist/Designer James Hubbell
Applied Ecologist/Future Anthropologist/Permaculture Teacher Dr. William Roley

$10/day checks made payable to Ilan-Lael Foundation
Breakfast & Lunch provided

Garden  orchard restoration, irrigation and fertilization
Arbor Construction
Art Design, Tile Mosaic
Fieldtrips to Ecoparque, ecological wastewater treatment
& Aldeas Infantil permaculture orphanage

Registration Form

Name:           _________________________________________

Address:        __________________________________________

Phone #:        ____________________________
Fax #           ____________________________

E-mail address: ____________________________

Emergency Contact Name & Phone #:       ____________________________

Food Allergies: ________________________________________________________

Medical Conditions &/or Medications:_______________________________________

We will not be providing medical insurance for your time in Mexico to 
attend the workshop, please ensure your own coverage.
No parties involved in organizing the La Rosa Blanca Workshop nor will the 
school, Colonia Esperanza be responsible for any injuries or medical 
problems encountered during the Workshop.  Attendance will be at your own 

This waver form is to be signed and return to us before the start of the 
workshop if you would like to participate.  Thank you.

Signature__________________________________  Date________________________

I, ____________________, authorize the organizers of La Rosa Blanca or 
staff members of Colonia Esperanza to call a Mexican doctor in the event of 
an emergency where I will require immediate medical attention.
Signature__________________________________  Date________________________


On Wednesday, August 22 at 6:30 pm (after dinner), Christine Brady, 
director of Colonia Esperanza will meet people at the H St. trolley 
station.  From there, people may car-pool and follow Christine to the 
school where you will be staying the night.

For those who would like to drive down on Thursday morning, please see the 
attached map for directions.  Please let us know if you are interested in 
car-pooling and I will provide you with potential contacts.

For those who will be driving, car insurance can be purchased before you 
cross the border.  We highly recommend doing this.

What to bring:

sleeping bag
sleeping mat
drinking water
appropriate tools

spending money for dinners

James Hubbell Studio,
Carolynn Wilson @ 760-765-0171, fax: 760-765-3427
e-mail: lael at abac.com

Christine Brady
ph from US: 011-5166-264698
ph from Mexico: 626-46-98

Return registration form by fax:
fax: 760-765-3427   please provide us with the original at the workshop as 

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