[Sdpg] Jan 23: Environmental Excellence Award-San Diego

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Mon Jan 14 19:59:25 PST 2002

Please Join The League of Conservation Voters San Diego

To celebrate the presentation of the Environmental Excellence Award to San 
Diego's Mayor, the Honorable Dick Murphy

Presented by special guest, environmental artist, James Hubbell

Wednesday January 23, 2002, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 560 San Gorgonio, Point 
Loma, 92106

Admission - $35 per person, $50 per couple. Space is limited - RSVP 
required RSVP to Carolyn Chase <cdchase at sdearthtimes.com> and for more 

Please join us for a night of celebration and conversation with our honored 
guests and view the beautiful Environmental Excellence Award created by 
James Hubbell.

THANK YOU to our Pre-Event Host Committee Members

Dan Silver, MD
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Michael Beck
Rebeca Cordova
Anne D. Ewing
Michael Zucchet
JoAnn Anderson
Diane Barlow Coombs
Courtney Ann Coyle, Esq
& Steven P. McDonald, Esg.
Wayne Buss
Louis Otto Emme

The League of Conservation Voters San Diego (LCVSD) is a nonprofit 
association specifically committed to support candidates for local public 
office who demonstrate commitment to conservation and protection of natural 
resources and environmental quality.  LCVSD is a chapter of the California 
League of Conservation Voters, a public benefit corporation.

Directions - From Downtown:  Take N. Harbor Dr. toward the airport, turn 
left on Rosecrans St.  Turn right on McCall St.  Turn right on San Gorgonio 
St.  From Interstate 5:  Take the Seaworld Dr. exit, go west toward Sunset 
Cliffs Blvd., go straight.  Turn slight left onto Nimitz Blvd.  Turn right 
onto Rosecrans St.  Turn right onto McCall. Turn right on San Gorgonio.

"I pledge allegiance, To the Constitution,  Of the United States of 
America, And to the Republic, For which it stands,  One nation, 
Indivisible, With liberty and justice for all."
FMChambers, on location at the Hubbard Marine Fish Hatchery, serving an 
internship for my MS in Ag. Sci. from Cal Poly 
Pomona.  www.csupomona.edu/~crs  www.hswri.org  www.regen.org

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