[Sdpg] Where is Permaculture? Submissions ,Articles for the Permaculture Activist Magazine

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Aug 18 12:35:40 PDT 2002

Hi Y'all,

Asking "Where is Permaculture?", is a bit like asking, "Where's Waldo?" But 
instead of a stripe-shirted guy with glasses and funny cap hidden amongst 
100's of curiously ambitious people, we would have.......what?

That's the question we'd like to begin to answer in the next issue of the 
Permaculture Activist (#49, submissions deadline Sept 15th, 2002! Hurry!!)

What are we looking for?

Short and concise, 500-1000 words (i.e. 1/2 - 1page), a simple and direct 
telling of the state, character, and form of actual Permaculture projects 
with, ideally, at least 8 years of systems development and evolution in the 
United States, Canada and Mexico....WITH PICTURES (JPG's under 600k, 

We are very interested in particular yields (what needs are met?) of each 
project and how they interface with neighboring cultural patterns. Give a 
general sense of the number of people whom you supply / cooperate with in 
either goods or services.

We are also seek info regarding the state of consultancies / design 
services, and the character and scope of client financed projects over time.

We want to hear, too, about broadscale projects of production and / or 
restoration and / or reinhabitation.

We want to hear about the unfolding of bold undertakings bearing fruit and 
yielding abundance and success.....and errors, too. Your own personal, 
publicly-confessed, Type 1screwup could save someone a lot of time, money, 
and frustration. All it takes is a bit of daring, a pencil, or other word 
processor, and a couple hours of your time.

Now's your chance to tell the world, "Permaculture is HERE!".

Please email submissions, ideally in plain text format, 
<mailto:keith at permacultureactivist.net>keith at permacultureactivist<mailto:keith at permacultureactivist.net>.net 

or mail to The Permaculture Activist, PO Box 1209, Black Mountain, NC 28711

Our website at 
provides additional info about advertising, ongoing events, seed and plant 
resources, a Planetary Pc Directory, and more.

Thanks, and please pass the word to other listservs,
Peter & Keith

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