[Sdpg] Permaculture Email Newsletter from Oaxaca Mexico

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Aug 24 08:14:48 PDT 2002

hi everyone
         wanted to share a great permaculture Newsletter coming out of 
Oaxaca, Mexico , check on website read both english and spanish

The lunallena newsletter ('full moon' in Spanish and pronounced 
"luna-Yena") is circulated electronically every full moon by the Tonantzin 
Tlalli Institute. The newsletter's principal motive is to celebrate our 
universal interdependence and interconnectedness. Because this first issue 
coincides with the World Summit on Sustainable Development being held in 
Johannesburg, South Africa, we dedicate this inaugural issue to the topic 
of sustainability. What do sustainability and sustainable development mean? 
A lived effort is deemed sustainable when present needs are satisfied 
without compromise to the needs of future generations. The llunallena 
newsletter is free and we encourage an open dialogue on the themes 
expressed here,

Estimados amigos y colaboradores, esta es nuestra primera circular lunar, 
agradecemos el apoyo que nos han brindado para el establecimiento del ITT 
en Oaxaca, esperamos su colaboración al igual que sus comentarios a 
luna at pacificos.org

Un fuerte abrazo
Lilly Wolfensberger
Coordinadora de difusión Instituto Tonantzin Tlalli (ITT)

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