[Sdpg] Electronic Newsletter of the Ecovillage Network of the Americas Issue #0005

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Sep 24 08:08:24 PDT 2002

ENA NEWS <eNews.english at lists.ecovillage.org>
Electronic Newsletter of the Ecovillage Network of the Americas
Date: September, 2002
Issue #0005
Editor: Giovanni Ciarlo: mailto:giovanni at ecovillage.org
Dear Friends;
This newsletter of the Ecovillage Network of the Americas (ENA) is 
distributed to subscribers in North, Central, South America, the Caribbean 
and beyond. ENA is a grassroots sustainable community network, and part of 
the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) http://www.gaia.org. ENA's mission: To 
engage the peoples of the Americas in common effort to join the global 
transformation towards ecologically, economically and culturally 
sustainable human settlement. Our focus is to meet the needs of present and 
future generations for a safe and healthy planet to inhabit.
For a free subscription to ENA eNews, or to unsubscribe in English, 
Spanish, Portuguese or French. ON-LINE (and read back-issues) go to: 
http://www.ecovillage.org/newsletter (English & French). 
http://www.ecovillage.org/Espanol/Noticias/index.html (Spanish & Portuguese).
Special thanks to Stephan Wik and ANU Internet Services for sponsoring web 
hosting for ENA.
ENA needs bilingual translators, fluent in English, or, Spanish TO French. 
Support our outreach in French! There is a stipend of $5 per page, single 
spaced. 32 pages total to be translated per year:
6 pgs E-News - September, 2002
8 pgs Ecovillages Newspaper - September
4 pgs Miscellaneous - as needed
6 pgs E-News - March, 2003
8 pgs Ecovillages Newspaper - April
Contact: Linda
mailto:ena at ecovillage.org
The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) participated in the World Summit on 
Sustainable Development (WSSD) in South Africa, with Ecovillage and 
Sustainable Development Courses & Events.
See: http://www.ecovillage.org/WSSD
GEN is also a founding member of the EcoEarth Alliance, a Partnership 
Initiative launched at the WSSD, with 8 initial partner 
organizations/businesses *. The mission: to create and promote a 
sustainable, integrated, and community-based model of development in order 
to overcome poverty, restore the environment, and provide for basic human 
needs throughout the world.
See: http://www.ecovillage.org/ecoearth
* Partners:
The International Institute for Sustainable Future (IISF), Village Earth, 
The Sustainable Village, The Institute for Integrated Rural Development 
(IIRD), Earth Rights Institute, Global Ecological Restoration and 
Development Foundation (GERDF), Restore the Earth. For more details, see:
For full contact information of regional representatives, go to:
Then, click the Contacts button.
May East reports a good response to the Ecovillage Training Program, July 
2002-January 2003, a collaborative effort of Centro de Vivencias Nazare, 
Findhorn Foundation, Associação OISCA Brasil, Universidade Holistica 
Internacional- Campus Sao Paulo and ENA.
André Soares reports that the Living & Learning Center program: Build here 
now... began, with over 100 people from South America, Europe and beyond. 
They started their Ecoversity program -an 8 month training- on Sept 9th. 
They also started building a commercial kitchen to assist the work of a 
local women's co-op.
In May, Lee Davies, ENA Council representative for Canada participated in 
the Fellowship for Intentional Communities board meeting and associated 
consensus decision-making educational events attended by Canadian NGO's and 
government agencies. A meeting of the Ecovillage Network of Canada took 
place during the weekend of August 23rd, at the forming, biodynamic 
agricultural ecovillage, Whole Village in Alton, Ontario. A large group of 
young people attended, whose energy will be very positive in helping ENC 
move forward.
Great news for ecovillage development in Canada - OUR Ecovillage on 
Vancouver Island, British Columbia has received unanimous approval from the 
local municipality for zoning permission to proceed. They are working with 
the Cowichan Community Land Trust and the Land Conservancy of British 
Columbia as they make this ecovillage a reality.
This region is actively looking for candidates to represent the Caribe on 
the ENA Council. For information about this and future consensus workshops 
with ENA Council member Liora Adler, contact mailto:liora at aol.com
The ENA USA committee (U.S. Council reps and core volunteers) conducted a 
Call for Candidates to fill two open seats on the ENA Council for the East 
U.S. region.
Four excellent candidates came forward. We thank them for their enthusiasm 
and all the good work they are already doing for a sustainable world. The 
new ENA East USA Council Representatives are:
Manda Gillespie is Project Manager of EcoCity Cleveland in Cleveland 
Heights, OH. She manages EcoCity Cleveland's involvement with the Cleveland 
EcoVillage, an urban redevelopment project on Cleveland's west side that 
demonstrates the potential for cities to manifest ecological principles. 
The project brings together principles of green building, transit-oriented 
development, and the best of the New Urbanism movement. Manda writes and 
assists in the production of the EcoCity Cleveland Journal and educational 
resources; and manages development, membership, intern programs and 
volunteers. Manda lives with her partner, Sadhu Johnston, and her dog, Koh, 
in Cleveland's Ohio City neighborhood
Daniel Greenberg, Ph.D. has studied and directed community-based 
educational programs for over 12 years. Daniel wrote his doctoral thesis on 
"Education within Contemporary Intentional Communities", and has visited 
and corresponded with over 200 communities in the U.S. He directs 
college-level semester programs, and has developed curricula on sustainable 
community development, deep ecology, ecological auditing, and systems 
thinking. Daniel is the executive director of Living Routes, college-level 
programs in ecovillages around the world, and is a member of Sirius 
Community, where he lives with his wife, Monique Gauthier, and their 
daughter, Simone.
Since 1994 BELRIV (Belize River Valley Development Program) has organized 
self-financed, holistic, decentralized, planning, training, production and 
research programs, and prepared a development agenda for its region.
BELRIV has implemented projects in health, sustainable production, provided 
information, environmental education, made micro credit available for 
sustainable activity from pooled savings, and promoted cultural retrieval 
and capacity building of local leadership and organization.
POBox 1577, Belize City, Belize
mailto:belriv at btl.net
The 20th anniversary of Ecoaldea Huehuecoyotl in Mexico, the "arts and 
ecology", was the subject of the summer Ecovillage Column in Communities 
Magazine http://www.fic.org.
Sustainable Development Course
Date and location: From October 7 to November 1st, 2002 -Costa Rica
Organizers: Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Conciencia Ambiental y 
Information: Greivin Fallas mailto:asodecah at racsa.co.cr

Land for Tierramor:
Since the 25th of June, 2002 Holger Hieronimi, Marina Ortiz and their 
growing family are, along with eleven other adventurous people, co-owners 
of a 9000 m2 parcel of land located on the outskirts of the town of 
Eronguaricuaro in Michoacan, Mexico where they intend to develop a small 
Ecovillage project. They specialize in eco-design, organic agriculture, 
permaculture, flower therapy, holistic health care and astrology.
mailto:tierramor at laneta.apc.org

For a report on outcomes of the "VIII Consejo de Visiones: Guardianes de la 
Tierra" gathering in Chiapas, Mexico earlier this year go to: 

June 3-9, La Caravana and two Ecuadorian women's groups hosted the Women's 
Peace Village, in Paute, Azuay, Ecuador. They united 140 women leaders from 
diverse organizations from all parts of the country, for a week long 
gathering,with training in Consensus (from Bea Briggs and Liora Adler), 
councils, workshops and multicultural activities. Gabo from Mexico led the 
group of women doing the documentary video recording, which will be 
available after editing. A written report of this project is being compiled 
and should be available later this year. Read a full account: 
On Saturday June 15th, after trying many alternative therapies without 
success, ENA Council Member Alberto Ruz underwent a delicate surgical 
intervention to decompress cervical vertebrae. The surgery went well, 
Alberto is recovering, and appreciates the love and prayers of his many 
friends in the network. mailto:albertoruz at lacaravana.org


Colombia - Claudio Madaune and Luisa Giraldo continued travels in 
spring/summer 2002. They visited Los Angeles Eco-Village, where Claudio 
gave a slide show and talk in April. Leaving the USA, they visited El 
Poncho Ecocenter in Bolivia, and working with Enrique Hidlago gave 
presentations at universities in Cochabamba, attended conferences and gave 
two permaculture courses. They are back at La Reserva Sasardí in the 
Colombian Darien forest.

Gaia Association, Argentina has completed installation of independent, cost 
effective and efficient systems to provide basic needs in an ecological 
manner. The use of a barrel drum allows cooking with all the benefits of an 
adobe stove, and increased efficiency, which allows for its use in 
micro-industries such as family bakeries, neighborhood co-ops or communal 
dinning halls. These thermal mass stoves are the most efficient traditional 
methods available, since they accumulate heat in the materials, optimizing 
the temperature exchange and achieving fuller combustion. Gaia has 
developed an improved model that gets the same results as traditional 
thermal mass stoves, at a lower cost and simpler construction methods using 
cob. We call these stoves "COBOSAURIOS" and they only need two days of work 
for completion with a cost of aprox $40. http://www.gaia.org.ar

Asociación Gaia is taking the opportunity in the economic and social crisis 
in Argentina to highlight the solutions available through ecovillage 
living. They have organized Gaia Living and Learning Center Programs, for 
Uruguay - Lucia Battegazzore and Luciano Davyt organized the first regional 
networking gathering in Uruguay in April. The meeting was in Perez 
Castellano Organic Garden, 100 km away from Montevideo. They began on 
Saturday 20 April, with 35 people and 10 children. Camping near a native 
forest/natural reserve, (one of very few in Uruguay) they had 
introductions, shared stories of their work and learned about ENA and GEN 
around a campfire, and celebrated the gathering. Sunday more people came 
and participated in workshops (land use, seeds, educational program 
development, human relationships, etc.), and games and dances. The group 
agreed to meet again in Heliopolis in the Spring with more people, and 
agreed to stay in contact meanwhile by email, web pages, etc. It was a 
rich, diverse gathering with different generations, rural communities and 
city communities all represented.
-IV Congreso Pampeano de Medio Ambiente para Adolescentes"
Date and place:18 & 19 October, 2002. Argentina
Informes: Fundación Chadileuvú
mailto:chadileuvu at cpenet.com.ar


The term Low income housing is usually not paired with the words 
eco-friendly, at least not in the United States, and especially not in Los 
Angeles, the home of cars and smog. But that could be changing. That is if 
Lois Arkin, and the Global Ecovillage Network have anything to say about 
it. They've turned a forty-unit apartment building in LA into a place where 
neighbors plant vegetables together, create and install solar panels, agree 
not to own cars, and even use odorless composting toilets. The radio 
program Living on Earth profiles this new kind of eco-village. Hear it on 
RealPlayer at:

For extensive listings, see: http://www.ecovillage.org Click on Resources.
The Sustainable Village (TSV) distributes over 10,000 appropriate 
technology products, as well as acting as an agent for large organizations, 
and organizing training workshops in developing countries for 
micro-enterprise development. See: http://www.sustainablevillage.com

Village Alliance, is a graphics division for web and print services, see: 
In all these areas, TSV uses 100% of profits to donate/invest/help 
under-funded NGO's.

Purchase appropriate technologies from The Sustainable Village, and web and 
print work services from Village Alliance, and mention that you were 
referred by the Ecovillage Network of the Americas.
mailto:info at sustainablevillage.com
Where are the resources which tie together the rapaciousness of the 
corporations and the destruction of the world ecology? The internet stores 
much information in audio format.

Information comes from alternative radio programs such as:
Democracy Now  http://www.democracynow.org/
Radio Nation  http://www.nationinstitute.org/radionation/
Alternative Radio  http://www.alternativeradio.org/
Independent Media Center  http://www.indymedia.org/
Wings - Women' International News Gathering Service  http://www.wings.org/

For print resources look up:
The Ecologist Magazine  http://www.theecologist.org/
World Watch Magazine  http://www.worldwatch.org/
The Nation Magazine  http://www.thenation.com/
Jim Hightower Lowdown monthly  http://www.jimhightower.com/
YES! A Journal of Positive Futures  http://www.futurenet.org/
The International Institute for Facilitation and Consensus is a consulting 
group specializing in facilitation training and services. IIFAC grew out of 
work of the founding partners, Beatrice Briggs, Marisela Vera, Paola Willis 
and Beatriz Padilla, Visit them on the Internet at: http://www.iifac.org
or mailto:briggsbea at aol.com

For extensive events listings: http://www.ecovillage.org Click on Calendar.

February 22 and March 21, 2003, the Findhorn Foundation will host its 
internationally acclaimed annual Ecovillage Training Programme for the 5th 
consecutive year. This Training Programme has drawn 100 people from 39 
different countries, covering every continent on the planet.
For information, visit: http://www.findhorn.org/evt
Contact Hannah Morjan Tel: (44) 01309 692130; 
mailto:hannamorjan at findhorn.org) or Bookings Office Tel: (44) 01309 691 
653, mailto:bookings at findhorn.org

By giving to ENA you support the efforts of those dedicated to building 
communities demonstrating kindness in the way people treat one another in 
their personal and work lives, and in the way they treat the planet. Join 
us in that mission! We care deeply about encouraging people of the Americas 
to think about, openly discuss and enhance strategies for the creation of 
Ecovillages and sustainable lifestyles in their regions. In order not to 
exclude anyone with interest, ENA does not charge a membership fee to be 
involved, nor subscription fee for our publications. If you have the means, 
we ask that you make a donation so we can continue to reach out to all. Go to:
Then click on Get Involved! Print out a donor form, make your contribution 
payable to ENA, and mail to:
     ENA c/o Kailash (treasurer)
     64001 County Road DD
     Moffat, Colorado USA            mailto:ena at ecovillage.org

ENA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. A receipt will be sent for tax 
deduction in the U.S. Donors receive complimentary copies of ENA's biannual 
newspaper - Ecovillages.

If you enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to friends and associates 
and suggest they subscribe. Thank you!

Distributed without profit for research, networking and educational 
purposes, ENA offers this E-newsletter free of charge. Copyright 2002. 
Ecovillage Network of the Americas (ENA). Reserved rights. Please pass this 
newsletter AT NO FEE to anyone with interest. Or, for reprint permission or 
any other use, mailto:ena at ecovillage.org.


ENA Electronic Newslettermailto:news at ecovillage.org
Ecovillage Network of the Americas (ENA)

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