[Sdpg] Biodiversity Food Forest -Stewardship Opportunity in San Diego County

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Nov 5 10:06:46 PST 2002

-Please Post-

Biodiversity Food Forest -Land Stewardship Opportunity

20 acres in San Diego County, California
Rare, Tropical, SubTropical and Temperate Fruit Trees
Producing Avocado, Persimmon and Timber Bamboo Groves
Organic Vegetable, Herb and Medicinal Market Gardens
100's of Varieties
Seasonal Creeks and Pond
w/Access to Private Lake -Sun, Swim, Fish, Paddle
Drilled Well(s), Storage Tanks
Borders BLM Land
Farm House, Shop, Nursery, Out Buildings
Chaparral Ecosystem w/Granitic Boulders, Oaks, Sycamore, Willow

Permaculture MicroVillage Network

Open Circle is a Limited Liability Company dedicated to:
a Biodiversity Imperative, Ecologically Accountable Developments and Earth 
Stewardship Investments...

Membership starts at $50K

For more information contact:
Larry Santoyo
LLCinfo at earthflow.com

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