[Sdpg] Eco Design News- Maruata: Turtles, Dengue Fever, Women's Nursery Collective, "Wave capoeria"

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Feb 15 21:22:10 PST 2003

HopeDance contributor Art Ludwig from Oasis Design has just returned from a
month's trip. Check it out.

In a message dated 2/15/03 3:49:08 PM, odesign at sprynet.com writes:

<< Dear Ecological living enthusiasts:

We're just now getting back to normal after an intense month working in
Maruata (an indigenous community in Mexico) last December.

The Jan/Feb newsletter is posted at:


It describes our month of work in Maruata, in text and pictures--check
it out.



PS-New Mexico has recently made great strides in passing a rational
greywater law. See:
<http://www.oasisdesign.net/greywater/law/index.htm#newmexico> >>

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