[Sdpg] BOOK SIGNING /SLIDE SHOW Tour Art of Natural Building with Co editor Joseph Kennedy in S. California 2003

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Mar 12 06:37:14 PST 2003

BOOK TOUR/SLIDE SHOW Art of Natural Building Mar 20-Mar 30 with Co editor 
Joseph Kennedy
This year we are happy to announce Joseph Kennedy of Builders without Borders
http://www.builderswithoutborders.org has agreed to come to Southern 
California to do a series of SLIDE SHOW / BOOK SIGNING from Berkeley to San 
Diego from Mar 20- Mar 30 to celebrate the release the book THE ART OF 
NATURAL BUILDING www.newsociety.com/bookid/3697

Mar 20- 30 BOOK SIGNING /SLIDE SHOW Tour Art of Natural Building with Co 
editor Joseph Kennedy

This year I am happy to announce Joseph Kennedy of Builders without Borders
http://www.builderswithoutborders.org has agreed to come to Southern 
California to do a series of SLIDE SHOWS / BOOK SIGNING from Berkeley to 
San Diego from Mar 20- Mar 30 to celebrate the release the book THE ART OF 
NATURAL BUILDING www.newsociety.com/bookid/3697
Tour Dates details
Mar 20 Thurs Berkeley 7:30 to9:30 (Builder's Booksouce 1817 4th Street, 
Berkeley 800 843 2028 or 510 845 6874 )
Mar 21 Fri Santa Cruz, 7pm Louden Nelson Community Center 301 Center St. 
(at Laurel) Josho Somine 831/427-3311 josho23 at yahoo.com
Mar 22 Sat SLO ( 7pm Public Library downtown 1-888-206-7070, 
hopedance at aol.com ), $5 donation
March 24 Monday Santa Barbara Livingreen 7pm (Technical Talk for Architects 
and Planners contact 805-962-2571,sbpcnet at silcom.com)
Mar 25 Tues Santa Barbara (7pm Faulkner Gallery, Downtown Library 
805-962-2571) $3 donation
Mar 26 Wed Meiners Oaks 5pm Dinner at Farmer and Cook (near Ojai) 339 W El 
Roblars 805-640-9608
Mar 26 Wed Ojai (Ojai Retreat Center 7pm reservation required (805) 
640-1142. Ellen Hall <ellenmhall at yahoo.com>) $5 donation
Mar 28 Fri Los Angeles (LA ECovillage 7:30 pm 213/738-1254, Lois Arkin 
<crsp at igc.org>) $10 Sliding Scale
Mar Sat 29 San Diego 7:30 pm in CAS Rm 300 at AIU, Scripps Ranch, 10455 
Pomerado Road (just east of I-15 and MCAS Miramar (Marcia Boruta 
sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879 and David Bainbridge (858) 635-4616, 
bainbrid at alliant.edu )
Mar 30 Sun Laguna Beach 7pm Wells Fargo Bank, 260 Ocean Ave, one signal 
South of Broadway and PCH, (next to Wild Oats), upstairs in community mtg. 
room, donation $5 - worktrade, DrRoley at aol.com 949-494-5843

For more details, directions and posters http://islandseed.com/scpg.html
Print it and post it at your neighborhood bulletin boards!

Tour Organizers and main contact
Contact Santa Barbara Perm Network sbpcnet at silcom.com 805-962-2571 
Cosponsored by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Hopedance Magazine and 
South Coast Permaculture Guild, Santa Cruz Permaculture, Central Coast 
Permaculture Guild, Ojai Permaculture Guild, LA Ecovillage, Permaculture 
Institute of Southern Ca, Ojai Retreat Center, San Diego Permaculture Center,

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