[Sdpg] Garden Club of Watts w/ the SEED LADY!!!

camille cimino camcim at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 10:08:46 PDT 2003

This weekend..................................
Experience the watts garden club and meet the SEED LADY of WATTS.

A fundraising work party and workshop to benefit 
Miss Anna Marie Carter will be speaking and leading a workshop on what she learned from her trip to CUBA.
Learn a solutionary new technique for the conversion of urban landscapes into food forests.

Please bring hand tools and gloves.

Afterward there will be a PARTY with music, food, speakers, and of course, the reason for it all ................
the beautiful children of watts.

suggested donation for the workshop: $95.00  
sliding scale-no one will be turned away, give what you can, be prepared to work, and bring something to share (food, seeds, suppiles for the club, good spirits, etc)

When:  Saturday October 11, 2003
Time:   9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: The Watts Garden Club            
            10816 Compton Ave.
            Compton CA  90019
If you have any questions or need additional information contact dedan (323) 969-4740
or if you want or need to carpool contact camille (626) 963-0301 or camcim at yahoo.com
BE THERE OR BE SQUARE ! ! !           

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