[Sdpg] Learn about Holistic Management with founder ALLAN SAVORY on 12/13! in SLO

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Thu Nov 20 06:24:35 PST 2003


I would like to let you know of a wonderful opportunity to learn about a 
decision making model, Holistic Management, with its chief creator and leading
spokesperson, Allan Savory.  The SARC will be co-sponsoring an event on
Saturday, December 13th, which will give people the opportunity to meet Mr.
Savory and hear about his inspirational, international work at an informal
community gathering.

Two back-to-back events have been planned at the home of Bill and Phyllis
Davies (5015 Jespersen Rd., SLO).  All are welcome to attend either or both.

Saturday afternoon, December 13, 2:30-5:00 p.m.:
An intriguing look at Mr. Savory's work in the US, African and other
international ecosystems.  The program will be of interest to all ages.
Holistic Management has been used by agriculturists around the world to
understand and manage natural resources more effectively.  Its application has
often resulted in a remarkable regeneration of disturbed environments.  Mr.
Savory will share some of the “hows” and “whys” of these success stories, and
the Davies will share their first-hand experience with examples they saw on
their recent trip to Africa.  Potluck refreshments will be served.


Saturday evening, December 13, 5:30-9:00 p.m.:
A more specific talk on Holistic Management as a decision making process that
can be used by any group decision making body ­ whether a farm, business,
organization or even a family.  Exciting examples of local applications of
Holistic Management will be shared over a potluck dinner ­ including a
presentation by Cal Poly faculty involved with the development of the SARC’s
(our!) “holistic goal” using Holistic Management under the guidance of Animal
Science Professor Rob Rutherford.

Hope you can join us for any or all of this exciting series of events.

If you are coming in the afternoon, please bring healthy refreshments.
Dinner guests please bring:  A-E bring a Salad;  F-T Main Dish;  U-Z Finger

DIRECTIONS:  (5015 Jespersen Rd.)  Take Buckley Rd (South of the airport) to
Jespersen Rd. (turn to go South).  Go about ½ mile just over the crest of the
first hill.  Turn right onto the paved driveway between the pine trees, just
beyond three black mailboxes/bow.

“Allan Savory recently received the prestigious environmental Banksia Award
for making, significant contributions to the betterment of our environment on
a global level.  Past winners include Rachel Carson and Sir David
Attenborough.  Allan Savory has developed what is widely believed to be an
entirely new decision-making framework through which all people, regardless
of their location, industry or circumstances can make decisions that are
simultaneously environmentally, socially and financially sound in both the
short and long term: Holistic Management.  Holistic decision making puts
people back in control of their destinies and restores a sense of direction in
difficult times.  Many thousands of families and businesses around the world
are now successfully using this new framework to radically improve their
quality of life while simultaneously regenerating the resource base that
sustains them.”

ALSO - You may visit the website of the Allan Savory Center for Holistic
Management at: www.holisticmanagement.org

Hope to see you on the 13th!

Hunter Francis
Program Coordinator
Sustainable Agriculture Resource Consortium
c/o Horticulture and Crop Science Department
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, California  93407

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