[Sdpg] Permaculture Video Discussion Mtg. Thurs Dec 11 6:30 pm 2003 /Plus Road Trip Hesperia and Update of Events

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Dec 1 08:07:02 PST 2003

South Coast Permaculture Guild Monthly Mtg/Dec 11, 6:30pm Santa Barbara 
Botanic Garden

Our monthly video discussion group will meet on Thursday, December 11 at 
6:30 pm at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. We will have our regular video 
discussion, but will also have a wonderful opportunity to explore some of 
the great resources the SB Botanic Garden has to offer---it's library, the 
living collection---which features California native plants-- and the gift 
and bookstore which is a dream come true for those interested in 
horticulture, botany, permaculture and sustainability. South Coast 
Permaculture Guild member Gail Milliken is the manager of the bookshop, and 
will be available to show us around, even willing to take suggestions for 
books you might want ordered. She has been very supportive in bringing in 
Permaculture books as a part of her inventory for the last 4 years.

One of the main tenets of Permaculture is observation of nature and 
mimicking natural eco-systems in our designs. The way many of us love and 
want to plant tropical and sub tropicals you would think we lived in 
Hawaii! The SB Botanic Garden offers a chance to see how plants from this 
unique Mediterranean climate and region adapt to their home. Let the plants 
teach! Use this local institution as a resource not only for this evening, 
but continuously as you would a library. Ongoing classes and an Herbarium 
are also a part of what the Botanic Garden has to offer.

Please join us for a special evening. We will have hot cider and munchies, 
as usual contributions of snacks appreciated. Bring your seeds, plants etc 
for exchange.

Please check the website for the Garden at 
www.santabarbarbotanicgarden.org, for more information and also a map 
showing where the Garden is located., Direction will be send next week
Contact Margie Bushman at 962-2571 sbpcnet at silcom.com for more info and 
also ongoing events at www.sbpermaculture.org


Thurs Dec 4 7-8pm Solar Power Today with Ojai Resident Michael Lind
Oak Grove School Pavilion 220 West Lomita Avenue, Ojai, California 93023
Slides from many solar projects including residential, small business, 
large commercial and institutional from across the United
States, Germany and Japan,
Two short videos: 'Solar Living' by the Renewable Energy Alliance and 
portions of 'This Renewable House' The Definitive Guide to Renewable Energy.
Phone: (805) 646-8236 This Sustainable Oak Grove program is free to everyone
For additional information on Solar Installations in our region  please 
contact: Michael Lind (805) 276-5711

Dec 6 Saturday Roadtrip to visit visionary Architect Nader Khalili at
Calearth in Hesperia Ca. this is an all day annual trip to visit the 
site, the Nature Center and new housing in Hesperia all using earth 
architecture to
build them. This is an amazing adventure see what can be done with earth
and it is truly low cost beautiful housing that does not tax the earth's 
We will leave Santa Barbara at 6:30am . for more info call Wes Roe
964-1555 or email lakinroe at silcom.com, potluck lunch
Check his Website for pictures of the Earth buildings and more info and 
articles below

Ongoing Monthly Permaculture Workshops in SLO CA SATURDAY & SUNDAY the 
First Weekend of Every Month
10:30 am: -4:30
You must RSVP by phone or email for directions and details.
info at earthflow.com - 805.528.3763 www.earthflow.com

Saturday, December 20th, 2003 All Volunteer Work Days are at Colonia La 
Esperanza Tijuana, Mexico
.Join James Hubbell and other volunteers as they continue to work on the 
dream of building an inspirational learning environment for the residents 
of Colonia La Esperanza (see also Architecture 
<http://www.americasfoundation.net/architecture.htm> and Volunteering 

Mar 10-Mar 20 Santa Barbara, CA $680 Basics of Building with Cob: (10 days) 
(Evans) http://www.cobcottage.com
Our most popular workshop teaches professionals and owner-builders the 
basics of cob construction in 7 to 9
intensive days. Even complete novices leave the workshop confident in their 
ability to build the cob parts of a cabin,
studio, or greenhouse. Learn how to locate and test soil, sand, and straw, 
create the right cob mix for any situation,
and build strong, durable, sculptural earthen walls. Get practical 
experience with foundations, windows and doors,
arches and niches. Lectures cover siting, passive solar design, drainage, 
heating, plumbing and electric, and natural
roofing and flooring.
Ianto Evans is a landscape architect, applied ecologist, inventor, writer 
and teacher with building experience
on six continents. Cob is traditional in Wales, his homeland. He teaches 
ecological building and has consulted
to USAID, World Bank, US Peace Corps and foreign governments.
Linda Smiley is a master cobber, therapist and environmental educator. Her 
workshops incorporate intuitive
design, sculpting sacred spaces, and finishing touches, including earthen 
floors, plasters, and cob sculptural
For more information please contact: THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO CONTACT TO 
Cob Cottage Company
Box 123
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Phone or FAX (541) 942-2005
The best time to call is Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 10:00 AM and 
5:00 PM
To get on Cob Cottage Email list contact cobcottage at earthlink.net for 
update on Cob Workshops


Excellent Earth Art Design & Building Team now IN SANTA BARBARA!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GOOD NEWS!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We now have a Design Team in Santa Barbara  and experienced builders to 
create your  simplest or wildest desires:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BETTER NEWS!!
They are also available to design, install and maintain
SOLAR ENERGY & PHOTOVOLTAICS ~~~ Grid Tie & Off-Grid Systems
My prayers have been answered--
ten years of apprenticeship at CalEarth, &
a year and a half of enthusiastic promotion in SB have been rewarded.
Please feel free to share the good news,
turn the tide, support the emerging sustainable world.
Contact Klarity for further information.
Consultation appointments available in Santa Barbara
Claire Kellerman web: http://www.KLARITY.org Email: Claire at Klarity.org
Address: P.O. Box 21624 Santa Barbara, CA 93121-1624

What a special time we had taking care of 24 permaculture and sustainable 
travellers in 3 vege diesel buses thru Santa Barbara, the welcoming potluck 
was warmly received at Paradise Campgrounds, the puppet show on the beach 
in SB was  so creative and funny to the heart, check out their website as 
they travel to Costa Rica and also there is a short film on their site, if 
you can send them a message of support and thanks
Sustainability Solutions Caravan Tour Description below:

On November 10, 2003, the Sustainable Solutions Caravan, will travel from 
California to Costa Rica. In vehicles run on used vegetable oil we will 
create forums for information exchange. We aim to highlight the importance 
of seeking alternatives to destructive trends in energy consumption and 
agricultural practices. As eco-technologists, farmers, healers, vegetable 
oil conversion mechanics, entertainers, and multi-media specialists, we 
share a common vision for a healthy and sustainable planet that respects 
all life.

Driving from Berkeley, CA to Punta Mona Center for Sustainable Living and 
Education in Costa Rica our goal is to promote responsible technologies and 
land management design systems that encourage sustainable development, 
biodiversity, and a healthy quality of life. We will acheive this by events 
geared toward celebrating local sustainable solutions and introducing 
alternatives. We target educators, farmers, students, schools, community 
centers, eco-villages, and organic farms along the way. Our contribution to 
the forum is an educational performance that touches on concepts of 
permaculture, engine-conversion, ethnobotany, sustainable nutrition. All 
events will culminate with a gala and an information and seed exchange.

The Caravan (3 bio-diesel Buses) will present an amazing puppet show , info 
on their center in Costa Rica, Permaculture, veggie oil conversions 
and  the Caravan travels in general. Their websites are 
www.sustainablesolutionscaravan.org (this is the one for the tour) & this 
is further info on their Permaculture Farm www.puntamona.org and Costa 
Rican Adventures Eco-education Company http://www.costaricanadventures.com

Great interview with co creator of Permaculture  BILL MOLLISON 

More information about the San-Diego-Permaculture mailing list