[Sdpg] [permaculture] Entries for Permaculture in the DMOZ Open Directory Project - http://dmoz.org/Science/Environment/Sustainability/Permaculture/

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Apr 21 22:06:35 PDT 2004

hi everyone
	Don't know much about the open directory project, but this list of 
Permaculture Resources, Centers and more is amazing to see the scope and 
deep of this resource list

Open Directory Project    http://dmoz.org/
Entries for Permaculture in the DMOZ Open Directory Project 
-  http://dmoz.org/Science/Environment/Sustainability/Permaculture/

http://www.permaculture.net/  Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture 
Institute, Basalt, Colorado - Permaculture training in the Colorado Rockies 
or the Bahamas. Also consulting.
http://csf.colorado.edu/perma/ctpi/  Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute - 
A non-profit educational institute in Colorado whose mission is to assist 
in the creation of small sustainable farms, homesteads  and urban 
permaculture gardens. Site has information and links on permaculture.
http://www.spacountry.net.au/holmgren/  David Holmgren - David Holmgren was 
the research student and co-originator with Bill Mollison, his research 
supervisor, of the permaculture concept.
http://www.ibiblio.org/london/EcoLandTech - Extensive web directory of 
permaculture and related topics.
http://www.users.bigpond.com/brookman/The Food Forest - A 40 acre 
permaculture demonstration, and production property at Gawler South 
Australia.  Offers consulting services, learning courses, information, and 

http://www.restoretheearth.ca  Four Frogs Permaculture Design - Offers 
sustainable design solutions for your balcony or backyard.
http://www.greenmountainpermaculture.com  Green Mountain Permaculture - 
Teaches and practices permaculture design on the shores of Lake Champlain 
in northern Vermont.  Site also offers a photo galley of projects and articles.
http://tortuga.com/permacultura/english_pages.htm  Instituto de 
Permacultura Cerrado-Pantanal - Good collection of permaculture information 
resources, with special focus on projects, courses, people, and newsletters 
in Brazil. (English, Spanish, and Portuguese languages)
http://www.permaculture.com/  International Institute for Ecological 
Agriculture - Information, reading list, and links on permaculture and 
community-supported agriculture.
http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/perma.html  Introduction to Permaculture: 
Concepts and Resources - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas 
(ATTRA) guide to Permaculture.
http://www.berg-en-dal.co.za/index.htm  Klein Karoo Sustainable Drylands 
Permaculture Project - Klein Karoo sustainable drylands permaculture 
project is a permaculture eco-village in South Africa

http://www.permaculture-hawaii.com/  La'akea Permaculture 
Gardens/Permaculture in Hawaii - Offers  month-long courses in permaculture 
design and deep ecology.
http://members.lycos.co.uk/naturewise/  Naturewise Permaculture and Forest 
Gardens - About programs in London, UK, promoting permaculture and forest 
gardens, including courses on permaculture.
http://www.permacult.com.au/  Permacult Project - Contains a searchable 
plants database and information, kids and community pages and an active forum.
http://www.kavenga.com/permaculture%20home.htm  Permaculture  From Down 
Under - Introduction to permaculture in hot climates.
http://www.permacultureactivist.net/  The Permaculture Activist - North 
American permaculture periodical, providing a current listing of upcoming 
permaculture design courses, and offering articles on permaculture design, 
edible landscaping, bioregionalism, aquaculture, natural building, 
renewable energy.
http://permaculture.freeservers.com/  Permaculture in Latin America - On 
permaculture in the continent, from a Brazilian website.

http://www.permaculture.org.nz  Permaculture in New Zealand - Information 
about the world of permaculture in New Zealand.  Site also has event 
listings and a question and answer forum.
http://www.permacultureinternational.org  Permaculture International Ltd - 
Publisher Permaculture International Journal, now a networking organization 
connecting permaculture groups and activists as well as offering an 
electronic newsletter.
http://csf.colorado.edu/perma/lists/  Permaculture Mail Archives - Archived 
messages from several permaculture mailing lists. Also has subscription 
Permaculture: Method of Agriculture, Way of Life - Article describes the 
permaculture philosophy, outlines its history, and discusses prospects for 
its future. From Catalyst, a student magazine at Brown University.
http://www.permacultureportal.com  Permaculture Portal - Provides users 
with a helpful gateway to permaculture courses, events, services, and 
resources. The Portal is also the online home for the Bullocks' 
permaculture site in Orcas Island, Washington.
http://www.permacultureproject.com  The Permaculture Project - Promotes 
true self-reliance for all through personal and customized consultation, 
research, design, implementation, workshops and seminars.

http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Jungle/6700/research.html  Permaculture 
Research - A collection of basic information on a wide range of topics 
connected with permaculture and sustainable growing.
http://www.bigvolcano.com.au/custom/permaclt/permaclt.htm  Permaculture 
Research Institute - About permaculture and PRI's hands-on permaculture 
courses  in ecological design, environmental restoration, appropriate 
technology and sustainable agriculture. New South Wales, Australia.
http://csf.colorado.edu/perma/  Permaculture Resources at CSF - Collection 
of publications, other information, and internet links.
http://www.permaculture.au.com  Permaculture Sustainable Futures - 
Environmental planning and design for permaculture and ecologically sound 
village designs. Australia.
http://www.permaearth.org/  Permaculture The Earth - Offers information 
about sustainable design and interactive forums for the discussion of 
topics related to permaculture.
http://permaculturevisions.com  Permaculture Visions International - 
Worldwide Permaculture School and support network with students in over 20 
countries.  Collection of writings and ideas about permaculture. Offers 
permaculture courses by distance learning.

http://www.permaculture.co.za  Permaculture.co.za - A personal website, 
with information about permaculture and other related issues. It also 
includes "The diary of a landless farmer." - a search for suitable land.
http://www.permaculture.dk  PermAgro - The Permaculture Research Institute 
Denmark - A non-government organization to research sustainable agriculture 
in a cold temperate climate, teach people the basics of permaculture, and 
promote the importance of seedsaving.  Provides information on different 
types permaculture.
http://www.permaculture.co.uk/  Permanent Publications - Subscription 
information for Permaculture Magazine and a catalogue of available books, 
videos, and other resources focused on permaculture in the UK.
http://www.thefarm.org/permaculture/index.html  Pierre's Permaculture Page 
- Information on permaculture (including its ethics and principles), where 
to take permaculture courses, and other links.
http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Forest/  Robert Hart's Forest Garden - 
A small celebration of Robert's forest garden at Wenlock Edge, described as 
'possibly the UK's only fully developed Permaculture Project.'
http://www.thirdangel.com/sustainability/  Sustainability as Seen from a 
Vegetable Garden - The site is an honours thesis completed in 1999.  It 
looks at urban sustainability as highlighted by community gardens in 
Sydney, Australia.

http://www.permaculture.org.uk/  UK Permaculture Association - Provides 
information about the association, courses, UK links and general 
permaculture information.
http://www.spacountry.net.au/holmgren/Weed.html  Weeds or Wild Nature? - 
1997 article by David Holmgren, one of the co-founders of the permaculture 
movement, discusses the evolution of ideas related to environmentally 
progressive responses to weeds and pests, with particular focus on Australia.

# Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, Basalt, Colorado - 
Permaculture training in the Colorado Rockies or the Bahamas. Also consulting.
# Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute - A non-profit educational institute 
in Colorado whose mission is to assist in the creation of small sustainable 
farms, homesteads and urban permaculture gardens. Site has information and 
links on permaculture.
# David Holmgren - David Holmgren was the research student and 
co-originator with Bill Mollison, his research supervisor, of the 
permaculture concept.
# EcoLandTech - Extensive web directory of permaculture and related topics.
# The Food Forest - A 40 acre permaculture demonstration, and production 
property at Gawler South Australia. Offers consulting services, learning 
courses, information, and tours.
# Four Frogs Permaculture Design - Offers sustainable design solutions for 
your balcony or backyard.
# Green Mountain Permaculture - Teaches and practices permaculture design 
on the shores of Lake Champlain in northern Vermont. Site also offers a 
photo galley of projects and articles.
# Instituto de Permacultura Cerrado-Pantanal - Good collection of 
permaculture information resources, with special focus on projects, 
courses, people, and newsletters in Brazil. (English, Spanish, and 
Portuguese languages)
# International Institute for Ecological Agriculture - Information, reading 
list, and links on permaculture and community-supported agriculture.
# Introduction to Permaculture: Concepts and Resources - Appropriate 
Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) guide to Permaculture.
# Klein Karoo Sustainable Drylands Permaculture Project - Klein Karoo 
sustainable drylands permaculture project is a permaculture eco-village in 
South Africa
# La'akea Permaculture Gardens/Permaculture in Hawaii - Offers month-long 
courses in permaculture design and deep ecology.
# Naturewise Permaculture and Forest Gardens - About programs in London, 
UK, promoting permaculture and forest gardens, including courses on 
# Permacult Project - Contains a searchable plants database and 
information, kids and community pages and an active forum.
# Permaculture From Down Under - Introduction to permaculture in hot climates.
# The Permaculture Activist - North American permaculture periodical, 
providing a current listing of upcoming permaculture design courses, and 
offering articles on permaculture design, edible landscaping, 
bioregionalism, aquaculture, natural building, renewable energy.
# Permaculture in Latin America - On permaculture in the continent, from a 
Brazilian website.
# Permaculture in New Zealand - Information about the world of permaculture 
in New Zealand. Site also has event listings and a question and answer forum.
# Permaculture International Ltd - Publisher Permaculture International 
Journal, now a networking organization connecting permaculture groups and 
activists as well as offering an electronic newsletter.
# Permaculture Mail Archives - Archived messages from several permaculture 
mailing lists. Also has subscription information.
# Permaculture: Method of Agriculture, Way of Life - Article describes the 
permaculture philosophy, outlines its history, and discusses prospects for 
its future. From Catalyst, a student magazine at Brown University.
# Permaculture Portal - Provides users with a helpful gateway to 
permaculture courses, events, services, and resources. The Portal is also 
the online home for the Bullocks' permaculture site in Orcas Island, 
# The Permaculture Project - Promotes true self-reliance for all through 
personal and customized consultation, research, design, implementation, 
workshops and seminars.
# Permaculture Research - A collection of basic information on a wide range 
of topics connected with permaculture and sustainable growing.
# Permaculture Research Institute - About permaculture and PRI's hands-on 
permaculture courses in ecological design, environmental restoration, 
appropriate technology and sustainable agriculture. New South Wales, Australia.
# Permaculture Resources at CSF - Collection of publications, other 
information, and internet links.
# Permaculture Sustainable Futures - Environmental planning and design for 
permaculture and ecologically sound village designs. Australia.
# Permaculture The Earth - Offers information about sustainable design and 
interactive forums for the discussion of topics related to permaculture.
# Permaculture Visions International - Worldwide Permaculture School and 
support network with students in over 20 countries. Collection of writings 
and ideas about permaculture. Offers permaculture courses by distance learning.
# Permaculture.co.za - A personal website, with information about 
permaculture and other related issues. It also includes "The diary of a 
landless farmer." - a search for suitable land.
# PermAgro - The Permaculture Research Institute Denmark - A non-government 
organization to research sustainable agriculture in a cold temperate 
climate, teach people the basics of permaculture, and promote the 
importance of seedsaving. Provides information on different types permaculture.
# Permanent Publications - Subscription information for Permaculture 
Magazine and a catalogue of available books, videos, and other resources 
focused on permaculture in the UK.
# Pierre's Permaculture Page - Information on permaculture (including its 
ethics and principles), where to take permaculture courses, and other links.
# Robert Hart's Forest Garden - A small celebration of Robert's forest 
garden at Wenlock Edge, described as 'possibly the UK's only fully 
developed Permaculture Project.'
# Sustainability as Seen from a Vegetable Garden - The site is an honours 
thesis completed in 1999. It looks at urban sustainability as highlighted 
by community gardens in Sydney, Australia.
# UK Permaculture Association - Provides information about the association, 
courses, UK links and general permaculture information.
# Weeds or Wild Nature? - 1997 article by David Holmgren, one of the 
co-founders of the permaculture movement, discusses the evolution of ideas 
related to environmentally progressive responses to weeds and pests, with 
particular focus on Australia.
lfl at intrex.net

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permaculture at lists.ibiblio.org

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