[Sdpg] Saturday October 16th volunteer day Colonia La Esperanza Tijuiana Mexico

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Oct 13 06:33:42 PDT 2004

,.Dear Friends,

          Saturday,   October 16th is a volunteer day with James Hubbell
at the schools in Colonia La Esperanza,  Tijuiana    We hope you can join us.
Jim is coming down especially to direct the bathroom tiling and  artistic wall

         Below  are the dates of the monthly volunteer Saturdays, a link for
more information and a list of proposed activities.

      Photos from the last volunteer day can be found at

October 16, 2004 (Hubbell)
November 20, 2004 (Hubbell)
December 18, 2004 (Sokolic)



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