[Sdpg] Living on the Land At Campo Tierra Bonita, Casa Grande Arizona December 30 -31.2005

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Thu Nov 17 15:09:30 PST 2005

Living on the Land
Campo Tierra Bonita, Casa Grande

December 30th and 31st

Desert Gardening, Water Harvesting,
Grey water systems,
Making an orno (mud oven),
Making of papercrete,
Making a simple bale play house,
Atlatl, Food preparation
Solar ovens,Solar electricity
Home and garden design
  Butchering and Pit Cooking 
and more

cost of workshop $100 or donation
 (no one will turned away due to lack of funds)
camping on site available
For more information call 707-843-9765

Sponsored by the Traditional Native American Farmers Association
P.O. Box 1000, Arizona 85239

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
sbpcnet at silcom.com

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to
grow." - Anonymous

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