[Sdpg] Jul 1-2, PC garden expert hosts plant sale

SDECC & Permaculture Center sdecc at igc.org
Fri Jun 30 16:12:23 PDT 2006

Dear Friends of the SD Permaculture Center,

This weekend, July 1-2, our local garden expert, Paul Maschka, will host a
plant sale of "Succulents from around the World."  Paul has served as the
volunteer expert for our Birney School Garden for over four years.  He is a
"passionate environmentalist" with a wealth of knowledge on not only
plants, but natural building, bee keeping, mycology, biodiesel and more.
Don't miss this opportunity to meet Paul and kick-off his plant nursery.
While you're there, ask Yolanda Retes-Maschka about her upcoming talks on
"Ayurveda: The healing side of yoga" at the OB Woman's Club.

The Plant Sale will be:
 Saturday & Sunday, July 1-2, 8am-3pm.
1111 Sunset Cliffs Blvd in Ocean Beach

For more information, email Paul at paulmaschka at mac.com or Yolanda at
yogaeleven at cox.net

Marcia Boruta
Co-Chair, SDECC & SD Permaculture Center

San Diego Economic Conversion Council (SDECC)
San Diego Permaculture Center
sdecc at igc.org

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