[Sdpg] Tending the Sacred fire for Permaculture Friend Peter Murage in Kenya

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Fri Feb 15 11:54:20 PST 2008

Hi Everyone-
We have received word from our friend Peter Murage, of Mount Kenya 
Organic Farms (MOOF), that things are not going well in Kenya. The 
last email we received from Peter was the end of January , we have 
had no more email contact from him.

We had the privilege of meeting Peter, along with other delegates 
from Africa, while attending the 8th International Permaculture 
Conference (IPC8) in Brazil May 2007.  Santa Barbara Permaculture 
Network feels a special connection to this group, as we came together 
with our community and held an Africa to Brazil fundraiser event to 
help some of these delegates get to Brazil and the conference, with 
the hope that they would be able to make a successful bid for the 
next International Permaculture Conference in 2009.  And they did!

We have never met a more committed and organized group.  They 
represented many different countries, but had a singular vision, how 
to bring world focus on Africa and it's need for sustainable 
livelihoods and agriculture for all its people, specifically through 
Permaculture and this conference.  They went home dedicated to 
organizing a continent wide event, all inclusive.
We are very saddened to hear in the midst of this wonderful dream and 
effort, that Kenya seems to be unraveling with political unrest and 
violence.  What began as localized trouble is spreading out across 
the country and Peter recently asked us via email to "pray for Kenya".
Please join us as we keep Peter, MOOF, and Kenya in our hearts and 
prayers.  When we were unsure of how to support or do this ourselves, 
Warren Brush of Quailsprings Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm 
offered to lead us in a Sacred Fire tradition taught to him by Adowa elders.
  Warren describes the ceremony briefly this way:
"I learned this form of ceremony from and Adowa Peacekeeper who uses the
fire to reach to the ancestors to support condolence of grief into
peace.  It is both powerful and gentle in how it manifests our
intentions and brings us together in unity of cause.  We will wrap our
spiritual beings around our brothers and sisters in Kenya with the
light of health and safety and balance".

The fire will be lit at sunset around 5:30 pm on Sunday, February 
17th. The fire will last 24 hours, going until the sun sets on 
Monday, February 18.  We will take turns tending the fire during that 
time and will have time to express our intentions for Kenyan friends.
You may join us at Quailsprings for the Fire Tending Ceremony , but 
it requires an immediate RSVP via email to Santa Barbara Permaculture 
Network (margie at sbpermaculture.org).  More specific information about 
the ceremony and directions will be given then.  Warren suggests 
others not able to attend may take those same two days and hold Kenya 
in their thoughts and light a candle in support, using the small 
candle fire to connect to the larger one.
Below is more information about Peter and the work he does.  If 
interested you can also read about the organizing of the upcoming 
International Permaculture Conference to be held in Africa at 
www.ipc9.org.   We are all connected, permaculture and peace, may 
they spread and grow around the world.

Margie Bushman
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
"The holiest of all the spots on Earth, is where an ancient hatred 
has become a present love" author unknown.

Mount Kenya Organic Farm (MOOF)

The founder of MOOF, Peter Murage, spent 10 months in the UK gaining 
knowledge and experience in organic farming in 1997, including a 
five-month internship at Garden Organic where strong links were 
formed. Peter then returned to Kenya with the vision of a 
community-based organic centre to promote farming practices that 
would improve food security and livelihoods for farmers. MOOF was 
established in 1998 and seeks to promote organic farming, and act as 
a research, resource and training centre.

With failing rains across Kenya leading to failed crops, livestock 
deaths and in some areas malnutrition and starvation, the 
contribution of MOOF is increasingly vital. Those adopting organic 
soil management practices are able to retain moisture in the soil and 
see greater success with their crops. MOOF is playing a crucial role 
in providing such essential information, advice and knowledge to 
vulnerable farmers seeking to grow their own food without expensive 
external inputs and without causing harm to their health or to the environment.

Peter Murage, Programme Director, MOOF.AFRICA,


Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
margie at sbpermaculture.org

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in 
order to grow." - Anonymous

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