[Sdpg] FRI Aug 22 / Sustainable World Radio Interview with Brad Lancaster author Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond:Vol 2, Water-Harvesting Earthworks

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Aug 17 18:58:44 PDT 2008

Friday, Aug 22,  9-10am Sustainable World Radio 
on KCSB 91.9 FM PST and streaming live on 
www.kcsb.org. Also found on  www.sustainableworldradio.com, later in the month

Join Jill Cloutier of Sustainable World Radio for 
an interview  with Brad Lancaster permaculture 
teacher, designer, consultant and the author of 
the award winning Rainwater Harvestingfor 
Drylands and Beyond, Volume 1: Guiding Principles 
to Welcome Rain Into Your Life and Landscape and 
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and 
Beyond,Volume 2: Water-Harvesting Earthworks 
(www.HarvestingRainwater.com). Water has been 
identified as a global crisis in the making. 
Southern California has one of the most piped 
landscapes ever designed, relying on water from 
far away that may not be available in the future.
Also joining the interview will be Wesley Roe of 
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond:Vol 
2, Water-Harvesting Earthworks,

=Get out your shovels and dance in the rain! That 
is what Brad Lancaster’s second volume in his 
trilogy on Rainwater Harvesting will make you want to do.

Join Brad Lancaster , as he shares his 
experiences traveling the world learning about 
harvesting rainwater---with simple landforms and 
earthworks---in places like India, Peru, Mexico, 
Africa and the  United States, where impoverished 
landscapes are turned into oases of life.

Harvesting rainwater was once a worldwide 
technology, but was replaced by pipes, canals, 
and sprinklers---inefficient and wasteful 
strategies that are running dry. In his newly 
published book Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands 
and Beyond:Vol 2, Water-Harvesting Earthworks, 
Brad Lancaster shares techniques for designing 
landscapes that passively harvest water using 
brilliant, low-tech, regenerative systems to 
hydrate the land and maximize the benefit that 
water brings to plants, animals and people.

Water has been identified as a global crisis in 
the making. Southern California has one of the 
most piped landscapes ever designed, relying on 
water from far away that may not be available in 
the future.  Brad's book encourages individuals 
and government agencies to redesign landscapes to 
live sustainably in their watersheds.  Earthworks, using
shovels to large earth moving equipment, can be 
the foundation strategy for sustainable landscapes.

         Brad Lancaster is a permaculture 
teacher, designer, consultant and co-founder of 
Desert Harvesters (DesertHarvesters.org). Living 
on an eighth of an acre in downtown Tucson, 
Arizona, where rainfall is lessthan 12 inches 
annually, Brad practices what he preaches by 
harvesting over 100,000 gallons of rainwater a 
year. Brad has taught programs for the ECOSA 
Institute, Columbia University, University of 
Arizona, Prescott College, Audubon Expeditions, 
and many others. He has helped design integrated 
water harvesting and permaculture systems for 
homeowners and gardeners, including the Tucson 
Audubon Simpson Farm restoration site, the 
Milagro and Stone Curves co-housing projects.

Tour dates will be posted on Brad Lancasters 
website www.harvestingrainwater.com/

Tour Organizer Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 
contact Wes Roe wes at sbpermaculture.org , www.sbpermaculture.org


Aug 22 Fri 9am-10am Brad Lancaster  Interview 
Live Sustainable World Radio live www.kcsb.org 
with Host Jill Coutier and visiting host Wes 
Roe  NOTE: Sustainable World Radio 
www.sustainableworldradio.com, has many PC 
Interviews over the last 2 1/2 years that you can listen to online too

Aug 28 ,Thurs 7pm, 414 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai school 
district Chaparral Auditorium next to park & ride.
Asking $2 donation;
Contact Deborah Pendrey: 
805-649-8631/805-311-4348 or 
coordinator at ojaivalleygreencoalition.com; 
www.ojaivalleygreencoalition.org, Sponsored by Ojai Valley Green Coalition

Sept 2, Tues 6:30 - 9:30pm  South Bay Community 
Center 2180 Palisades Rd. Los Osoa CA
Contact 805-528-4196 Donation $10 (all proceeds 
go towards further sustainability efforts in SLO County).
Main email contact for events Rachel Aljilani 
<greene4me at yahoo.com>,805-878-0815
Education Faire, Raffles, Music, Pizza

Sept 3, Wed 6:30 - 9:30pm Morro Bay Veterans Hall 209 Surf Rd, Morro Bay CA
Contact 805-772-6278 Donation $10 (all proceeds 
go towards further sustainability efforts in SLO County)
Education Faire, Raffles, Music, Pizza
Main email contact for events Rachel Aljilani 
<greene4me at yahoo.com>,805-878-0815
Funders Morro Bay National Estuary Program 
www.mbnep.org, SLO Green Build www.slogreen.org, 
SLB Surfrider www.slosurfrider.org, Santa Lucia 
Sierra Club www.santalucia.sierraclub.org, 
Supporters Cyucos Brewing Company, Full of Life 
Falt Breads, Green Gold, Loomis Tanks, County of 
San Luis , Stormwater Managemant Program, Hopedance Media.

Sept 5th Fri.  6pm potluck dinner, 7:30-9:30 
presentation. Solstice Grove Institute. Marin County
To get tickets 
$23.95 in advance, $30 at the door. Workexchange available.
Contact  for more info and directions to 
info at urbanpermacultureguild.org , 
Sponsored by Urban Permaculture Guild and Solstice Grove Institute.

Sept. 7 Sun,. 7 - 9 pm Commonweal Garden, Bolinas CA
Contact www.regenerativedesign.org 415-868 9681 Cost $10
Sponsored by Regenerative Design Institute

Sept. 8th Mon,  7:30 pmOccidental Arts & Ecology Center¹s ­ North Garden Stage
This is an outdoor location ­ please dress accordingly
Suggested donation of $5 to $10 to support Brad¹s 
great work! No one turnedaway for lack of funds!
Plan on buying and having autographed by Brad 
several copies of the book forholiday gifts!!
This event sponsored by the Occidental Arts & 
Ecology Center¹s WATER Institute  www.oaecwater.org
For more information call: 707-874-1557 x 206. 
For directions to OAEC www.oaec.org

Sept 9 Ukiah or  Boonville Tentative waiting for 
details Linda <lsmacelwee at hotmail.com>

Sept 10 , Garberville Tentative waiting for 
details contact ,Nadananda <nada at eelriver.org>,

Sept. 12, Fri 1pm Seminar room 4016, Bren Hall 
University of California Santa Barbara Free
  Contact Jami Nielsen(805)893-2968, nielsen at es.ucsb.edu

  Sept. 12, Fri  7:30-9 p.m.Lecture  BC Forum 
Fe  Bland Auditorium SBCC west campus 721 Cliff Drive. Santa Barbara
For more information and details on location and parking see
Cosponsors by The  Santa Barbara City College Center for Sustainability
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network and Santa  Barbara Adult Education Program

Sept. 13, 14, Sat& Sun 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sustainable 
Design Workshop with Art Ludwig and Brad Lancaster
Location EBS 309 SBCC East Campus 721 Cliff Drive. Santa Barbara
         Spend two days with expert sustainable water systems designers, Art
Ludwig and Brad Lancaster, as they work through practical and locally
appropriate designs for Santa Barbara residents. We live in a drought and
flood prone area. Learn how to manage water, nutrients, and energy more
sustainably using simple design strategies. For more information and
details on location and parking see http://sustainability.sbcc.edu
Cosponsors by The  Santa Barbara City College Center for Sustainability
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network and Santa  Barbara Adult Education Program

Sept 15 Fri.  6:30pm, 6pm, potluck Santa Monica 
Main Library. 601 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica
2nd floor, Multi-purpose room NO Charge and NO Books Sale
The library is located on Santa Monica Blvd. at 
6th street in Downtown Santa Monica. Parking, entrance on 7th street
Contact: Sean Jennings 310-883-5021 or swjennings at gmail.com
No books to be sold please purchase a book before 
event from local bookstore of www.harvestingrainwater.com/
Cosponsored by Sustainable Santa Monica and the 
Westside Permaculture Gatherings.

September 19, Fri.6:30-9:30pm Center for 
Spiritual Living, Environmental Outreach 27121 
Calle Arroyo Suite 2200 San Juan Capistrano CA 92675 $20 for Dinner & Talk
To sign up or for more information please call 
(949) 481-4040 or www.centerfortruth.org

September 21, Sun  3 pm - 4:30 pm Peace Resource 
Center / Church of the Brethren 3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, CA 92105
Free, donations welcome.  Info:  619-255-6111 or sdecc at igc.org
Come early for the International Day of Peace Open House
12 pm - 3pm showcasing the soon-to-be completed Friends Center,
an urban green building featuring strawbale 
construction, edible landscaping, and more!
For information on the Friends Center, see www.sdfriendscenter.org .

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