[Sdpg] 2009 Economy, Events, Friends of the Trees

FRIENDS OF THE TREES SOCIETY michael at friendsofthetrees.net
Fri Dec 5 12:45:41 PST 2008



Some of you read my January 2008 economic article with my 2008 predictions
(which turned out to be quite accurate). 

Here are my 2009 predictions along with links of website articles which
provide more detail.  If I am right, you will want to be making preparations.
Parts of the old system are dying which opens the opportunity for people to
create new and improved systems to meet their needs.  

A course in permaculture is perhaps the best investment at this time. I've
included information on my permaculture courses on Kauai and in Western
Washington. I hope that both of my courses this winter are completely filled.
Regarding the financial collapse, there are physical preparations to do as
well as mental and spiritual preparations. Land, tools, seeds, plants, and
machinery are wise investments at this time. It is also important to know how
to use them in a wise and cost-effective manner, which is what we teach at
permaculture design courses. 

If you want to get yourself onto a farm or into a community this next growing
season then look at the opportunities on my farm and the other farms and
communities I mention in this section. I also provide links to the best
networks for farm internships. 

In my letter to Obama I detail some ways permaculture can help the US out of
this mess. 

www.friendsofthetrees.net  http://www.friendsofthetrees.net

Next Newsletter - Solutions

What would a new economic paradigm look like?  In the next issue of my
newsletter I want to list the best examples I can find of barter systems,
local economic trading systems, books, websites and articles showing a way
forward for local economies as well as international trade, etc.  Let me know
your favorite resources. 

Contact Michael Pilarski at michael at friendsofthetrees.net 
mailto:michael at friendsofthetrees.net

Thoughts on the 2009 Economic Picture

Throughout 2008 I kept a close eye on financial developments and analysis both
from US and international sources. 

In 2008 we have seen: 
* The failure of increasing numbers of Wall Street financial institutions.
* The development of a world economic crisis which is said to be the worst
financial crisis in the last 50, 100 or 500 years. 
* Huge losses in stock market value and home valuations. A lot of people’s
net worth has declined. 
* Much harder to get loans - inter-bank, business and personal loans.
* A rise in unemployment and increasing inflation.
* Big federal financial bailouts of Wall Street, AIG, etc and right now they
are talking about the big 3 automakers.

Here are a few concise statements of what I think 
is going on behind the scenes and what might happen in 2009.

* The value of the dollar will decline significantly or may even crash to
zero. This won’t be the first currency crash in the world. It has happened
many times throughout history. What is different this time, is that world
trade is more globalized then ever before.

* The US federal government will declare bankruptcy in the summer of 2009 and
halt all foreign payments. Perhaps they will pay 10 cents on the dollar to
domestic holders of US treasury bonds. If they don’t declare bankruptcy then
they will just print so much money that inflation will be severe. 

* The big federal bailouts (now in the trillions) are being pocketed by the
wealthiest people in the world. They are not stimulating the economy or being
used to free up loans. It is a total rip-off of the US citizens, current and

* It may be that this economic crisis was all planned years ago and that the
timing of this crash is deliberately engineered. This may be a planned
collapse.  At any rate here is what it looks like may happen next:  

* The federal government may halt (or reduce) pensions, social security,
medicare, welfare, etc.

* State, city and local governments which depend on tax revenue will have
reduced funds to work with. Already many of them are operating at deficits and
slashing budgets. 

* The federal government may confiscate all gold, silver, precious metals and
foreign currency. This would include seizing all safety deposit vaults in

* A bank holiday would be declared and nobody (except the wealthiest) would be
able to access their bank funds. People’s bank accounts would be frozen and
perhaps worthless or worth far less when the banks re-open. 

* Needless to say this would drastically impact US foreign trade and foreign
relations.  Something like 80% of the world’s savings (in local banks around
the world) have been loaned to the US federal government. This would wipe out
savings around the world, cause a precipitous drop in global trade, and
probably bring on a world-wide depression.  Imagine how popular the US will be
then . . . Imports into the US (including oil) will drastically decrease as
the US dollar will be worth little or nothing. 

* Large layoffs and growing unemployment, say 25% unemployment within two

* The standard of living in the US will decline greatly. Life would get very
difficult in the US. How would trade get done? What would replace the dollar?
US people have been largely apathetic and complacent but these developments
would piss a lot of people off and fuel movements for change.  Martial law and
civil unrest are likely.

* There will be lots of foreclosures of homes, farms and businesses. Many
people would be forced to sell what they have of value. Those with money will
have a field day buying up assets at low prices.  The more foreclosures the
greater the popular resistance. 

* The end of the US as sole global superpower.  Already the rest of the world
is talking about the end of US hegemony (i.e. world superpower and world
policeman).  The US has increasingly isolated itself, perhaps not at every
national government level, but certainly in the eyes of the world’s people. 

* The public and private wealth of the US has been looted and plundered in the
last several decades and it looks like the thieves are trying to steal
everything possible before the big crash. This large-scale transfer of wealth
was (and is being) done with the complicity and support of presidential
administrations and many members of congress. We can be sure that a lot of the
ill-gotten loot is in Swiss bank accounts, the Bahamas and foreign assets. If
an honest government ever comes into being, then we will see grand juries
looking at who caused this mess and who profited. 

* Obama getting elected was a breath of fresh air and a source of hope for US
people and the entire globe. Alas, as of December 1st most of his cabinet
appointments, advisers etc are the same cronies and big-money interests that
have gotten us into this mess. At this point it looks like Obama will not
change the course of affairs for the better, but will continue business as
usual. Even if he means well, it is unlikely he could halt the crash. 

* The Earth also has something to say about the economy. Climate change is
likely to intensify with more economic losses from storms, droughts, crop
losses, etc.


Suggested Response to the Economic Situation

What is our response? What can you do? What can we do?

* Diversify your assets (if you have any) preferably in real goods.
* If in debt, get out of debt ASAP.
* Prepare to start growing more of your own food. Order needed tools, seeds,
plants; arrange a place to grow if you don’t have one; cooperate with other
gardeners, read/research/take trainings in permaculture, master gardening,
* Increase your local social support networks.  More friends, More
pre-planning for mutual support.
* Participate or help start local, alternative currencies, barter systems,

By taking these steps you will be better off whether these dire predictions
happen or not.
I certainly hope that I am wrong and that things will gradually improve
instead of decline. I am pessimistic in the short term but optimistic in the
long term. Out of this crisis comes the opportunity to set up local economies
on a more equitable and ecological basis.  The old system is obviously not
working for the vast majority of the world’s people and is endangering the
planet itself. I have a faith that people will find a way forward from the
dark pits of the coming economic depression.  It will involve making do with
less, re-using/recycling everything possible and building local economies
based on the basics of food, shelter and heating.
A much better phoenix may arise from the ashes of the old economic paradigm. 
Envision the best future you can. Let’s do it!

Good luck to all of you  -  Keep the light burning – Cooperate locally -

Michael Pilarski  –  December 1, 2008


Recommended Links

Check out http://people.tribe.net/friendsofthetrees (I just started this!) for
links to some important articles, Youtubes and websites that I recommend,
mostly on the economic crisis or economic alternatives.
These links will also be soon up on friendsofthetrees.net


Pacific Northwest - 2 Week Residential Permaculture Design Course

Feb 22 - March 8, 2009
Sahale Learning Center, Befair, Washington
Sustainabale Food Production & Food Security
100s of strategies!
1000s of techniques!
1000s of species!
Instructed by Michael Pilarski and Larua Sweany
Guest Presenters:
Larry Korn - Mu Landscaping Co.
Marish Auerbach - Herb'n Wisdom
Jenny Bell - Wilder Institute
Albert Postema -  Earthwise Excavation
John Henrickson - Wild Thyme Farm
John Hoff - Goodenough Community
more information on www.goodenough.org and www.friendsofthetrees.net

download flier and registration form (PDF 690KB) 

Kauai Permaculture Design Practicum Course - March 2009

March 21 - 27, 2009
This is the first half of a permaculture design course.  Participants who go
on to complete a 7-day Permaculture Fundamentals Course at a later date
receive permaculture design course certification. The course will teach
permaculture design principles and methodology which can be applied to any
parcel of land. The course is aimed at increasing food production by private
landowners and on Kauai as a whole. Strategies for local food security,
sustainability and restoring the health of native ecosystems are synthesized.
Through lecture, slide shows, discussion, observation, field trips and
hands-on activities, students will develop skills to design and implement
sustainable systems that are in harmony with the natural world. We will cover
hundreds of crops which can provide family needs or cash income. Although this
course's focus is on Kauai, participants from other islands or the mainland
are welcome. Course instructors are Michael Pilarski, Gary Seals and guest

Kauai Permaculture Sustainable Design Summit. 
One or two day workshop to he held after the Practicum. Please visit
www.activatekauai.org for updated schedule and registration information. 

Recently Kauai has set a goal to make Kauai more sustainable and produce more
of its own resources.  This event will involve permaculturists and other
people working for a sustainable Kauai. The participants will work together to
brainstorm recommendations for island residents. How can permaculture design,
principles, methodology, strategies and techniques help the people of Kauai.

more info at www.activatekauai.org  http://www.activatekauai.org

Dry Herbs and Seeds In Stock 

Check out the website for my December 2008 catalog. The new January 2009
catalog will be up soon.


Organic farms and communities looking for members and interns

Okanogan Biodiversity Farm. 
I planted an acre this spring on two plots of land in the Okanogan valley near
Tonasket, Washington. Vegetable yields were very good plus a substantial
harvest of medicinal herbs and seeds.  The gardens are put to bed for the
winter and next spring 800 berries, trees and shrubs will spring to life along
with large patches of perennial herbs, strawberries, and the fall garlic
planting.  I plan on increasing the size of next year’s planting with more
vegetables, herbs and berries.  I would really like some help.  I am looking
for one or two, full-season, farm interns. Experience preferred. I am also
looking for partners in my ventures. These include farming, wildcrafting,
making medicines, seeds, teaching, publishing, and marketing. Partners need to
contribute a combination of finances, resources, skills and sweat equity. 
If you are interested email me or give me a call. 

Other Okanogan organic farms need interns.  Interns could stay at just one
farm or circulate between participating farms (at least four farms). 

Cloud View Ecofarm near Ephrata in the Columbia Basin is looking for long-term
members as well as people who would like to dedicate the full 2009 growing
season to developing the ecofarm. If you are interested contact Jim Baird,
jimmbaird at aol.com, 509-760-4777.

Wise Earth Organics is looking for community members and interns at their
properties in Snonomish county (northeast of Seattle). postema at nwlink.com 

Lots of other communities and farms need more help too.  If you are looking
for an opportunity to get on the land or get farm experience please do your
research and find one. If you need help on your place do your outreach.  If my
economic analysis in this newsletter is right, then there should be a lot of
people looking for a place to land.  

Here are the main farmer/intern linking services currently available:

The largest nationwide network with something like 500 hosts and thousands of
interns. Some international listings.

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. ATTRA. Nationwide. Great
website for ag info. 

WWOOF - USA: Willing Workers on Organic Farms. Nationwide.

WWOOF Canada - Willing Workers on Organic Farms. Canada and USA with an
emphasis on British Columbia. 

www.tilthproducers.org/placement.asp - 
Tilth Producers Apprenticeship Placement Service. Lists farms in Washington
State, most of which are organic farms, that host apprentices or interns or
have openings for farm workers.


Letter to President-Elect Obama

November 10, 2008

Dear President-Elect Barack Obama,

I am writing to offer you some suggestions towards achieving full employment
and a healthy American economy. I am 60 years old and am a permaculturist by
Permaculture is a synthesis of natural building, alternative energy,
sustainable food production, ecosystem restoration and decentralized,
democratic, equitable social systems. The suggestions here are informed by my
experience in permaculture, farming, gardening, forestry and ecosystem


1) Encourage/assist/allow local food production and distribution systems
across the nation. Almost every county in the US could be largely food self
reliant. The current, centralized, long distance food system costs society
lots of energy/money. Local food production is one of the pillars of a strong
local economy. This reduces the vulnerability of local communities to outside
control, it stimulates the local economy and would enable healthier diets.
Highly productive, urban gardening and small-scale farming are possible
combining the best of permaculture, organic growing, and intensive
horticulture. “Eat Local” campaigns have sprung up across the nation so
there are lots of examples to expand on. This is a movement which is already
in progress.  

2) Encourage individual and community efforts to do ecological restoration on
private and public lands. 
  A. Restoration of restore healthy native flora and fauna communities as
fully-functioning ecosystems. 
  B.  Restoration of native flora and fauna communities with an emphasis on
planting and management which creates a stream of resources for human use as
well as being a fully-functioning ecosystem. 
  C. Restoration of cultivated and settled landscapes to becoming more
fully-functioning ecosystems while meeting human resource and habitat needs.
Ecological functions such as soil building, accumulation of nutrients, healthy
plant communities, lots of photosynthesis, regulation of water, water-holding
capacity, erosion control, creation of oxygen, cleansing of air, a healthy web
of life, and so forth. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s CCC and WPA programs have some experience to inform
this process but programs should be locally controlled and designed. 
Permaculture design teaches us that each piece of land is unique and that each
client/group of clients is unique.  Thus the design and/or restoration plan
for each parcel of land and group of people will be unique. To implement these
restoration activities for the whole country will take the efforts of millions
of people and be a major source of employment that would pay back dividends
over the long run. 

3). Set up government grant or cost-share programs to do green audits and
permaculture designs for homeowners, farms and businesses. The purposes being
to increase on-site generation of food, energy and other useful resources as
well as improve the livability of the environment for the residents. The
concept has been applied to energy conservation. Energy companies and/or the
government subsidize insulated windows and lower energy light bulbs. The
permaculture design process looks at plugging energy leaks in the home and
creating/renovating structures which reduce outside energy inputs by creating
small-scale, energy systems. Besides the employment generated by permaculture
designers (and design teams), there would be a huge employment in permaculture
implementation businesses and services which install permaculture gardens, and
systems for people who cannot do the work, such as elderly, handicapped,
single parents, etc. Applied at the large scale this would create many jobs
for designers, installation crews and maintenance. These jobs would increase
local food production, create healthier, local economies and be a good
economic investment. 

Permaculture has a lot to offer to the residents of the United States and to
every country and people of the world. Started in Australia in the 1970s it is
now a worldwide movement involving hundreds of thousands of people and with
many ongoing projects to learn from. Permaculture gets little attention from
mainstream media and is virtually unfunded by government and corporate funds. 
Permaculture is grassroots and decentralized. We do not seek co-option by the
federal government (nor by state, country, city or municipal governments), but
there are ways that governments could assist our efforts rather than hinder
us. There are tens of thousands of permaculturists in the US already working
for a positive future. A small number, but we have developed training systems
that could grow our numbers exponentially. 

As part of your platform you promised Native Americans that you would create a
special advisory position in your Cabinet for Native American affairs and that
you would meet once a year personally with Native American representatives to
listen to, and respond to, their concerns. 

4) I suggest you create a permaculture advisory person in your cabinet as
well.  To enlist permaculture in your efforts to meet your campaign promises
of more employment and a more secure economic future for all Americans. 

5) President-elect Obama, I recommend that you take a permaculture design
course in preparation for your big job ahead as President. I think you would
be very glad you did and find it tremendously useful in the coming years. I
know it will be difficult for you to take the time for a two-week, residential
course. There are also courses run over a period of weekends. I shudder to
think of all the security checks it would take to get clearance for a whole
permaculture class (typically 15 to 30 people). The best idea would be for you
to convene a special course for you and selected government personnel,
particularly those working with agriculture, forestry, and land management.
Obviously you would want to get the best permaculture teachers to teach this
special course. I would recommend a team composed of David Holmgren, Max
Lindegger and Penny Livingston-Stark. 

David Holmgren is one of the co-originators of permaculture. He is a life-long
resident of Australia . He is capable of applying permaculture at all scales,
from local to national. His websites are:

Max Lindegger is a professional landscape architect who has probably done more
professional, permaculture designs then anyone else in the world to date. He
is also one of the world’s most experienced permaculture teachers and has
taught in many countries. Lindegger is of Swiss heritage but has been a
long-time resident of Australia.
His website is: 

Penny Livingston-Stark is the director of the Permaculture Institute of
Northern California. She is one of the West Coast’s most active permaculture
course instructors and can add a good understanding of the US conditions to
augment the overall knowledge of Holmgren and Lindegger. Her website is:

Good luck in your term as President of the United State. The nation will face
great challenges during your 4-year term. It will call for radical changes.
Permaculture offers a way forward that will allow the USA to survive and
thrive. I hope you will look into this. 


Michael Pilarski
Tonasket, Washington 98855








PS - 
Financially I am doing much better, and I have paid off all of my bills!

Donations are still always welcome!

Blessings everyone!
Michael Pilarski

Friends of the Trees Society
PO Box 826
Tonasket, WA 98855

509-486-2672 landline
no cell phone at this time
Michael at friendsofthetrees.net


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- WA - 98114

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