[Sdpg] Indigenous Permaculture: New Website

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Fri Dec 26 07:04:21 PST 2008

;Friends, colleagues, and relations:

Please take note of our new website, and update your records.  We are now at:

<mailto:ip at ecologycenter.org>ip at ecologycenter.org

The Indigenous Permaculture Program is a grassroots organization that 
supports community food security to revitalize ecological health.
	*	Revitalize Native and local communities through 
indigenous science, land stewardship, sustainable agriculture, 
community food security, and sustainable development.
	*	Promote awareness of human impacts on the natural 
environment and on Indigenous communities when unsustainable choices 
are made
	*	Use locally-available resources and demonstrate the 
power of conscious choices to create self-sufficient communities that 
care for and preserve Mother Earth

We share traditional farming practices and apply environmentally and 
culturally-appropriate technology, with the ultimate goal of 
community food security, and do this work in an affordable way that 
builds capacity within the community. We provide holistic support to 
design and implement community food security projects, inspired by 
indigenous peoples' understanding of how to live in place.

Thank you for your well-wishes and support this year, and best to you 
in the new season.

David Jaber
Indigenous Permaculture
<mailto:djaber at california.com>djaber at california.com

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