[Sdpg] Sat. Sept. 10, 11am, Urban Permaculture Walk 'n Talk

L. Santoyo santoyo at earthflow.com
Mon Sep 5 20:32:51 PDT 2011

Bravo, Marcia!
This is awesome. What a great idea.
I want to do this same thing now- with our class, in a few neighborhoods
around LA.

Been talking to a few people about a design course series again in and
around San Diego this Fall...

310 383-5495
. .  . .  . .  . .  . .  . .  . .  . .

*L. Santoyo, Director
EarthFlow Design Works

COVOLV: A Sustainable World
COVOLV: Permaculture-Vol 1

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 4:17 PM, sdecc <sdecc at igc.org> wrote:

> **
> Dear San Diego Permaculturists,
> If you're not aware of it, there's a new Meetup website for "San Diego
> Permaculture" (see the link at the end of this email). The organizers
> (Claudia & Britt) have set up core meetings on the second Saturday of each
> month.  This month, I'll be hosting the Sept. 10 core meeting in the San
> Diego neighborhood of University Heights. We'll take a *"Sustainable
> Communities & Neighorhood Jobs"* walk (less than a mile) and observe the
> opportunities for permaculture in an average urban neighborhood.  The walk
> will include the Birney Elementary School Garden & Orchard as well as
> historic buildings constructed by the WPA jobs program in the 1930s. Hope
> you can join us on Saturday!
> Marcia Boruta, San Diego Economic Conversion & Permaculture Center
> Please try to participate to this CORE PERMACULTURE meeting (CORE meetings
> re-occurring the 2nd Saturday of each month and are specifically tailored to
> strengthen our core group. If you care about keeping and strengthening the
> Permaculture meetup, do join us!).
> Also, please bring your organic seeds to exchange with others and increase
> biodiversity in your garden and patio.
> http://www.meetup.com/SanDiegoPermaculture/events/24536461/?a=me1.2o_grp&rv=me1.2o
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> Sdpg at arashi.com
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