[Sdpg] FW: New video: Selecting Varieties, CRFG Scion Exchange

John Valenzuela johnvalenzuela at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 9 09:06:53 PST 2012


Hello fruit lovers,
Are you ready for the 15 different Fruit Wood Scion Exchanges throughout California and beyond? Do you have your 'shopping list' of fruit varieties ready to go?

Here the 'fruity videos' page with the latest video to help you "Make the Best of the CRFG Scion Exchange, Selecting Varieties", along with the other videos in the series: "Scion Exchange Collecting Scions", "Making the Best of the CRFG Scion Exchange, What to Bring", and another unique video- "Fruitfully Yours".

Selecting Varieties-
This latest video outlines 5 considerations to help you choose from the hundreds of varieties you will encounter at the scion exchanges:
1. Fruit Qualities
2. Climate Considerations
3. Pollination Needs
4. Graft Compatibility or Rooting Ability
5. Historical and Cultural Importance

find a list of all the Fruit Wood Scion Exchanges throughout California here:

visit the Golden Gate CRFG Scion Exchange webpage for more info-

Keep it juicy!

John Valenzuela, Chairperson
Golden Gate Chapter, California Rare Fruit Growers

Cornucopia Food Forest Gardens
John Valenzuela Permaculture Services
Horticulturist, Consultant, Educator
California, Hawai'i phone: (415) 246-8834
e-mail: johnvalenzuela at hotmail dot com
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