[Sdpg] Fwd: Fwd: Silence of the Lambs: US Government authorizes kililng of endangered bighorn sheep in path of wind project on public land

archelonia at cox.net archelonia at cox.net
Mon May 21 17:13:41 PDT 2012

Permaculturists, please actively promote and practice energy conservation, and small local renewable energy projects. See the below article on huge destructive Ocotillo Wind Express project. Thanks,
Jane Higginson

> Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 23:51:05 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: Silence of the Lambs: US Government authorizes kililng of
 endangered bighorn sheep in path of wind project on public land
> From: Edie Harmon <desertharmon at gmail.com>
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Miriam Raftery <editor at eastcountymagazine.org>
> Date: Sat, May 19, 2012 at 11:33 PM
> Subject: Silence of the Lambs: US Government authorizes kililng of
> endangered bighorn sheep in path of wind project on public land
> To: Robert Scheid <RScheid at viejas-nsn.gov>, John Bathke <
> j.bathke at quechantribe.com>, Edie Harmon <desertharmon at gmail.com>, Preston J
> Arrow-weed <ahmut at earthlink.net>, Helena Quintana <helena_quintana at yahoo.com>,
> Donna Tisdale! <Tisdale.donna at gmail.com>, Anita Nicklen <
> anitanicklen26 at gmail.com>, Susan Massey <Susanlil_8 at yahoo.com>, Alan
> Hatcher <hatcheralan at yahoo.com>, atomic toad ranch <
> atomictoadranch at netzero.net>, Jim pelley <jhpelley at hughes.net>, Joe
> Asciutto <qualt at cox.net>, Parke Ewing <EwingDuo at aol.com>, Tom Hembree <
> thhembree234 at att.net>, barbara hill <barbara9446 at att.net>, Terry Weiner <
> terryweiner at sbcglobal.net>, Tom Budlong <TomBudlong at roadrunner.com>, Ellen
> Shively <ellenshively at sbcglobal.net>, Evelyn Sepin <evelynsepin at hotmail.com>,
> Bob Ellis <BobEllisds at earthlink.net>, Robert Dallezotte <bob at xinutech.com>,
> Mark Meech <jeepmeech at sbcglobal.net>, Denis Trafecanty <
> denis at vitalityweb.com>, Anthony Pico <apico at viejas-nsn.gov>, Raymond Cuero <
> rcuero at viejas.com>, Charlie Brown <cbrown at viejas-nsn.gov>, William Isbell <
> w.isbell at quechantribe.com>
> Cc: Kimberly Mettler <KMettler at viejas.com>, Courtney Ann Coyle <
> CourtCoyle at aol.com>, Jeff Riolo <jeff at theriologroup.com>, Jenny Rothrauff <
> JRothrauff at viejas-nsn.gov>, Barbara Soto <Bsoto at viejas-nsn.gov>, Tina
> Estrada <testrada at viejas.com>, Dee Dee Castro <DCastro at viejas.com>
>  Please forward this widely: ****
> http://www.eastcountymagazine.org/node/9732 ****

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