[Sdpg] NEW PERMACULTURE BOOK Permaculture Design, A Step-by-Step Guide by Aranya

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Sep 1 10:49:36 PDT 2012

Permaculture Design
A Step-by-Step Guide
by Aranya

Foreword by Patrick Whitefield

For most people, taking the permaculture design course is a major life 
event. It opens the door on a new way of looking at the world, a new way 
of being in the world. It affects you on so many levels that, however 
well you took notes, inevitably some of what you learnt passes you by. 
That's why Aranya wrote this book: so that people could go away from the 
design courses he teaches and have a reference to the design methods 
he'd taught them. In effect it's a toolbox of permaculture design 
methods. Some people keep their tools in a higgldy-piggledy pile, 
chipped, blunt and uncared for. Others keep them in perfect order in a 
neat box, each one in its place, oiled, sharpened and ready to go. 
Aranya is one of the latter and this book reflects the keen clarity of 
his mind. Open its pages and you can put your finger right on the design 
tool you need, from triangulation to the enticingly-named desire lines. 
It's all there, described and illustrated, clearly and comprehensively.
—Patrick Whitefield, Author of "The Earth Care Manual," and "How to Make 
a Forest Garden"

Are you excited about permaculture but unclear how to put it into 
practice for yourself?

In this unique, full color guide, experienced permaculture teacher 
Aranya leads you through the design process from beginning to end, using 
clear explanations, flowcharts and diagrams. It is based on course 
worksheets which have been designed, refined and tested on students over 
time. Linking theory to practice, he places the ethics, principles, 
philosophies, tools and techniques directly into the context of the 
process itself. While written for anyone with a basic grasp of 
permaculture, this book also has plenty to offer the more experienced 

This guide covers:

Systems and patterns
Working as part of a design team
Land and non-land based design
Design frameworks
Site surveying and map making
Interviewing clients
Working with large client groups
Identifying functions
Choosing systems and elements
Placement and integration
Creating a design proposal
Project management
Presenting your ideas to clients
and much more....
A great reference for anyone who has done, or is thinking of doing, any 
kind of permaculture course.

About the Author

Aranya has been experimenting with what permaculture can do since his 
design course epiphany in 1996. In the years that followed he designed a 
collection of gardens, along with a few other non-land based designs, 
writing them all up to gain his Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design 
2003. Since that time he's followed a teaching pathway, that now 
involves delivering on average ten two-week design courses a year. Along 
the way he's met many amazing people that give him hope for the future 
and who in no small way have influenced the content of this guide.

Aranya is also ...

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