[Sdpg] Festival of Fruit at the Heirloom Expo, article in the SF Chronicle

John Valenzuela johnvalenzuela at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 4 22:12:29 PDT 2012

Fresh off the press:

See you there!

John Valenzuela, Chairperson
Golden Gate Chapter, California Rare Fruit Growers

Join us at the Festival of Fruit "Year of the Heirloom Fruit", 

at the National Heirloom Exposition, Santa Rosa, CA, Sept 10- 13, 2012


Cornucopia Food Forest Gardens
John Valenzuela Permaculture Services
Horticulturist, Consultant, Educator
California, Hawai'i phone: (415) 246-8834
e-mail: johnvalenzuela at hotmail dot com
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