[Sdpg] Upcoming Events and Workshops

Brook Sarson brook at h2o-me.com
Tue Nov 27 14:37:19 PST 2012

There is such good energy in San Diego right now centered around  
awareness and community!  People are more interested than ever in  
growing food and conserving water!

Check out my latest blogs: http://www.smartwatersavings.blogspot.com/  
for more information on greywater and rainwater harvesting.

And don't forget to like H2Ome on Facebook!
I try to share interesting information about recent movement in the  
city as well as some of my latest installs so you can all be aware of  
what's going on in San Diego on the water front!

Irrigation Basics Workday (free)
This weekend, join me for a workday at the Peace Garden:
Once you have worked with drip irrigation parts in a garden, you'll  
see how easy it is to install, fix, and change your home system.  The  
peace garden is being setup as a central demonstration site for people  
to learn about growing food.  It also functions as a community garden  
where anyone in the community can purchase a plot to grow food!

Join us this Saturday as we begin to put in the irrigation line.  You  
will learn the basics of PVC, pressure needs of different systems, how  
to setup a spigot, what kinds of different irrigation sets are out  
there and what works best and is most cost effective in different  

Come be empowered and help your community grow!

Greywater Installation Workshop
Next Saturday, December 11, come learn how to install a simple  
greywater system.  Lately, I've been partnering with the San Diego  
Sustainable Living Institute which offers a wide range of classes and  
events centered around urban sustainability.  It's a powerful resource  
base for San Diego.  I'll be teaching a class in North Park, sponsored  
by Olive Branch Green Building Supply which now offers laundry-to- 
landscape parts and kits.

Did you know that the City of San Diego is offering rebates for turf  
removal and rainwater tanks?

If you are looking to hire someone to help you setup a veggie garden,  
check out Amy Zink with Green Pea Gardens:
If you are looking to hire someone to help you setup a more drought  
tolerant, food producing landscape, check out Christopher Marciello  
with C2 Agriculture

I offer consultations and installations for greywater and rainwater  
harvesting!  Give a gift certificate for a consult to your family,  
friends, or neighbors for the holidays!

Brook Sarson
Smart Water Savings
brook at h2o-me.com

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