[Sdpg] SELC's Policies for Shareable Cities Campaign/A Sharing Economy Primer for Urban Leaders

Margie Bushman, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Tue Sep 17 17:05:27 PDT 2013

RELEASED TODAY  First-Ever Sharing Economy City Policy B

TODAY – First-Ever Sharing Economy City Policy Brief

Posted on September 10, 2013

Please share this with every urban leader, mayor, 
city planner, or council member you know! Today, 
the Sustainable Economies Law Center and 
Shareable released the first ever policy brief of 
its kind, called Policies for Shareable Cities: A 
Sharing Economy Policy Primer for Urban Leaders. 
It details 32 specific policy steps that local 
leaders can take to benefit from the growing 
sharing economy and
<http://www.theselc.org/policies-for-shareable-cities/>Continue Reading

SELC and Shareable just published the first-ever 
policy brief for shareable cities! Help us get 
these policy solutions applied far and wide!

On September 10, the 
<http://www.theselc.org/>Sustainable Economies 
Law Center and 
<http://www.shareable.net/>Shareable released the 
first ever policy brief of its kind, called 
for Shareable Cities: A Sharing Economy Primer 
for Urban Leaders. It details 32 specific policy 
steps that local leaders can take to benefit from 
the growing sharing economy and support 
innovations such as carsharing, ridesharing, 
cohousing, cooperatives, and urban agriculture.

Find out more at <http://www.theselc.org/>www.theSELC.org

Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo

(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
margie at sbpermaculture.org

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