[San Diego, CA Permaculture] Permaculture Design Course for International Development, May 30-June 13, early reg discount by April 15

Quail Springs Permaculture info at quailsprings.org
Sat Apr 11 12:07:56 PDT 2015

Permaculture Design Certification Course for International Development
at Quail Springs Permaculture  


May 30 – June 13, 2015

early registration April 15, 2015

This program equips people working in international development and grassroots projects with the perspectives and skills needed to engage with communities in partnership to incorporate elements into the design of communities, smallholder farms and land with household agricultural production that are holistic, appropriate, strategic, effective, diverse, as well as ecologically and economically sound.


Warren Brush – Lead Instructor  International Permaculture Consultant and Educator, Applied Ecologist, Cultural Engineer, and Storyteller.  Co-founder of Quail Springs Permaculture, Casitas Valley Farm, True Nature Design

Lindsay Allen, Brenton Kelly, and Andrew Clinard - Core teaching staff of Quail Springs Permaculture


Jeanette Acosta - Permaculture Teacher, Tribal Indigenous Knowledge, specializing in maritime culture, herbalism, ethnobotany, &  biodynamic principles

Peter Ash - Master composter, international environmental consultant & educator on sustainability & waste management.  StraightAsh

Thomas Cole - Advisor for global USAID food security programs, Co-founder of Community Action Fund for Women in Africa (CAFWA), website

Rafter Sass Ferguson - Liberation Ecology, Principal. University of Illinois, PhD Candidate & Agroecology Scholars Fellow.  Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute, Educator

Steve Gliessman - Alfred E. Heller Professor of Agroecology, 
Department of Environmental Studies, 
University of California, Santa Cruz

Greg Scarborough - Senior Advisor, Food Security and Nutrition for Mercy Corps

Pandora Thomas - Co-founder Earthseed Consulting, LLC and Black Permaculture Network.  Teacher, designer, writer, speaker.


What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is a design science utilizing an innovative systems-approach to consciously design landscapes, human settlements and smallholder farming systems that integrate functional diversity and biological fertility by mimicking natural eco-systems. Diverse and fertile systems act resilient in the face of shocks.

Who is this Course for?

This course is designed for people who work with Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s), Government Organizations, or are Community Organizers. The teaching is directly relevant for international development practitioners, including the technical teams from agency Headquarters and field teams engaged in implementation.

What does this Course Offer?

Permaculture Design Courses always include the international recognized PDC Curriculum that can be found in the Permaculture Designer’s Manual. Highlighted for this course are the following:

Food and Nutrition Security through Permaculture Design
Design Principles and Practices to build resilience in farming systems
Agro-ecology Principles, Processes and Practical Applications
Building Soil and Fertility
Carbon Sequestration
Watershed Management and Erosion Control
Waste Streams/Cycling
Perma-Gardens Curriculum, A USAID TOPS program
Food Forestry
Water Harvesting / Graywater Systems
Drought Proofing / Climate Change Resilience
Design Priorities
Broad Acre Applications
Pattern Literacy
Conflict Resolution / Peacemaking
Animal Systems and Agricultural Integration
Appropriate Technologies
Community Facilitation/Community-Based Development
Micro Enterprise Development
Cultural Awareness and Honoring

What is the applicability?

Participation in this course adds to the expanding global network of permaculture designers and teachers.

	• Participants learn:
		• Tools to integrate sustainable systems design into existing projects
		• A systems analysis design protocol for holistic pattern recognition.
		• To design stable and resilient food, shelter, water and waste cycling systems for health and resilience in all of your projects
		• To create an ethics and principle based training program within your organization that honors local customs, traditional knowledge and ecological conditions
People working in international development will benefit from the years of experience of our teaching team in applying permaculture around the globe. We have tailored the entire permaculture certification curriculum to better equip the people who work in international situations where people live in non-westernized conditions. The Quail Springs Learning site is ideal for the immersion of these teachings in an off the grid, nutrient cycling, dry land, water conscious community, where we work with the surrounding natural resources to provide for our shelter, water, food, and energy.

The course has an emphasis on hands-on projects including a practical design project that is site and context specific and integrates all of the different elements of a thorough Permaculture Design.

“My learning journey at Quail Springs helped to nurture my presence of mind to be a better and more active listener – a vital trait for the international development professional. The coursework was incredibly pertinent to my work in Uganda and without a doubt made me more aware, more compassionate, and more focused in my role as a project manager and human being.”  - Grant Buhr, Project Focus, PDC graduate

Course Registration

Cost includes instruction, certification, catered meals, and camping accommodations.
Cost: $1,650 (a deposit of $300 reserves your space with the full balance due by May 15, 2015)

Early Bird – $200 off for registration and payment by April 15, 2015
PDC Refresher – $200 discount, participants with a previous 72-hr Permaculture Design Certification (PDC)
Friends – Register with a friend or family member for $150 off each.

Financial aid in the form of payment plans and limited partial scholarships (based on low income / financial need & intention to use the training) by application.   Inquire early to apply for financial aid by sending your application request by email directly to Kolmi Majumdar at info at quailsprings.org.

VISIT TO LEARN MORE AND TO REGISTER: www.quailsprings.org/permaculture-design-course-for-international-development/

Contact with questions:  Kolmi Majumdar,  info at quailsprings.org or 805-886-7239

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