[San Diego, CA Permaculture] San Diego Women's Permaculture Convergence

Marianne West marianne.avon at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 10:13:41 PST 2016

Hi Wes. Hope all is well. Here is my posting...

Women's Permaculture Convergence

   Sunday, January 31, 20168:00 AM to 6:00 PM
   The World Beat Center

   2100 Park Blvd., in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA (edit map
   - *The world beat center is in Balboa park close to Park Ave. Street
   Parking might be available directly in front of the center, a parking lot
   is north off Park by the playground or you can park at the old Navy
   Price: $35.00 /per person


   Save the date! Let's get together and make magic happen. If you wish to
   teach a class, lead a workshop, tell a story, drum your heart out, create
   some ritual - let us know.


   This convergence is in collaboration with the World Beat Cultural
   Center. A delicious vegan lunch buffet is included in the admission.

   Our Theme: HEALTH

   • Our health

   • Our family's health

   • Our community's health

   • Our soil/garden's health

   • Our planet's health

   You may purchase your tickets here or contact us for cash/check payment.
   The convergence can only go forward if we have at least 20 paid
   participants by January 15th.


   As part of the convergence, we like to give Open Space Technology (OST)
   a try. If you are not familiar with this, here are some resources:



   Since I haven't had a response regarding the open space so far, I
   started to "round up" some great women to present. Among others, Soiree
   Leon, Brook Sarson, Deanna Moore, Maddie Wichman and Marlowe McAnear are
   going to present talks ranging from Gleaning to business, from finding
   personal health to harvesting water, from taking theory to practice and

   Kathleen Connor will teach us how to inoculate logs with mushrooms.
   Centi shared her amazing talents with us at the last convergence and she
   will share how to use homegrown herbs every day - medicine as food.

   Jenise Fryatt on Growing your Permaculture Business through Wise Use of
   Social Media

   Joan Green is providing a space to create art from recycled materials
   and things we find in nature. Bring clean recyclables to create art with or
   to donate to Joan.

   Speak up if you like to share a skill, lead a discussion or participate
   in any way.

   OST only works if the group is truly interested in conducting a meeting
   using this method. Please, please let us know how you feel about this. We
   can also have a convergence with certain workshops offered at a prescribed
   time or have parallel tracks - a scheduled workshop track and an open space

Take care and create a beautiful day.
(619) 261 2327
Co-host of The Sustainable Living Podcast, Writer,
Hatha, Laughter and Kids Yoga, Hormone Yoga Therapist,
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