[San Diego, CA Permaculture] Massive Influence – A Tribute to Permaculture Teacher and Author Toby Hemenway (V150) (Books Gaia's Garden and The Permaculture City )

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Jan 8 23:27:47 PST 2017

Massive Influence – A Tribute to Permaculture Teacher and AuthorToby Hemenway (V150) (Books Gaia's Garden and The Permaculture City )

https://soundcloud.com/permaculturevoices/a-tribute-to-toby-hemenway <https://soundcloud.com/permaculturevoices/a-tribute-to-toby-hemenway>
A compilation of stories from peers, friends, and students paying tribute to Toby Hemenway who passed away on December 20, 2016. 
It was heartwarming to hear the voices of 
Byron Joel <https://www.facebook.com/byron.joel.35> Rob Avis <https://www.facebook.com/rob.avis.1> Paul Wheaton <https://www.facebook.com/paulwheaton12> Jocelyn Campbell <https://www.facebook.com/jocelynmcampbell> Curtis Stone <https://www.facebook.com/curtis.stone.92> Adam Brock <https://www.facebook.com/wildgreenyonder> Jack Spirko  Wesley Roe <https://www.facebook.com/wesley.roe.56> speaking about Toby Hemenway <https://www.facebook.com/toby.hemenway> 
(there are two voices i don't recognize please add their names)
Thank you Diego Footer for a loving Tribute
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