Need llama poop?

P. Racko pracko at
Thu Sep 7 01:02:17 PDT 2000

Please contact Tracy O'Connell directly for more info...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: need poop?
   Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 19:07:41 -0700
   From: "tracy o'connell" <tracy562 at>
     To: <pracko at>

I don't know how you're set for organic waste to use in compost/mulch, but I've got 2 llamas and live NE of Long Beach in Norwalk near the 91 and 605 interchange - if you'd like some of their output, let me know and we'll figure out what's do-able transportation-wise, I have fresh supplies arriving daily and just can't absorb much more into my property, but don't want to put it in the landfill, so I'm always looking for outlets.

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