[Scpg] Earth Job Avail. in Ojai

seedmind at usa.net seedmind at usa.net
Tue Apr 6 15:07:21 PDT 2004

As part of the current Earth Jobs training in Ojai, we have one current
opening for an apprentice to work with rock, sand, and cob in creating a
living and ceremonial space in a private riparian zone.

It is possible that the apprentice can live in the space following its
completion, as compensation for work done.

To be considered for this unique opportunity, we will be "auditioning" for
this job on an individual basis, arranged to fit your schedule. Audition will
include one full day of work to assess your abilities. This is not for
spectator/workshop participants, but for a dedicated earth steward who can
work steadily without other distraction.

Akiva Werbalowsky

Beginning March 15 through May:
Professional Training for Permaculture Stewardship Positions in Ojai, CA

We train and hire capable, mature land stewards to caretake
ecologically-managed estates in Ojai and the surrounding region. Prior
experience and appreciation for hands-on work with the earth is required, 
as well as good communication skills, cooperation, and a healthy sense of 

After completing 5 days of training, placement options will be reviewed 
with each participant. Offers will be made to promising candidates to 
continue work with us as paid assistants. 

Training will be through group projects supervised by seasoned
professionals Akiva Werbalowsky and the legendary Skip Shuckman. Five 
days of training costs $185, and can be started and completed anytime 
from March 15 through the month of May.

Training takes place Monday-Friday, morning and afternoon sessions with
optional evening meals and fire circle celebration. Comfortable camping 
sites for regular participants can be arranged.

To Register: please send background information as to who you are, what 
you're looking for, and when you are available to train. 

In Health-

Akiva Werbalowsky <seedmind at usa.net>

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