[Scpg] Organic Farmer Still Seeks Housing in Santa Barbara Area

Chrys Ostrander chrys at thefutureisorganic.net
Thu Feb 17 21:47:14 PST 2005

Organic Farmer Still Seeks Housing in Santa Barbara Area

Hi Folks,

I'm still looking for a living situation. Slight update since my last posting.

I'm a 47 year-old man who has just moved to the area from Washington State. 
I have a beautiful, energetic and artistic 7 year-old daughter living with 
me for the rest of the school year, possibly longer (a photo of her is on 
my website). She's enrolled at Open Alternatives School. I'm employed as a 
gardener at the Pacifica Graduate Institute's Organic Market Garden. 
Currently we're living near Solvang, but will need soon to move to a place 
closer to Summerland, where the Institute is located. I can afford $500 per 
month, including utilities ($550/mo. tops). Anywhere from Goleta to 
Carpinteria and inland (Goleta or North of the State St. exit preferred, so 
if you can forward this to a University housing listserve, I'd be deeply 
grateful)-- I don't want to put so much greenhouse gas and hydrocarbons 
into the air just to get to work (and maybe get an hour or so of my life 
back and some money too).

I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't use drugs. I'm concerned with 
living as sustainably as possible. Our diet is almost 100% organic, 
primarily vegetarian (we eat dairy and eggs) although a few times a year we 
may have meat if it's organic and local (and someone else is buying).

We're seeking a situation in a shared environment to keep my costs down. 
We'd love to live in a place that has pleasant spaces with peaceful, 
like-minded, kid-friendly people who are earthy, cooperative and into 
simplicity. The rural-er the better, but we'll live in town too if it's a 
good fit. I'm handy around the house, can fix things, help in the garden, 
milk the goats, etc.

I also have an eighteen year-old son who lives in Washington and who might 
visit for two or three weeks in the summer.

Please contact me, thanks:

Chrys Ostrander
1720 Alamo Pintado
Solvang, CA 93463
chrys at thefutureisorganic.net

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