[Scpg] tomato preserving eco-style

seedmind at usa.net seedmind at usa.net
Tue Aug 2 07:29:26 PDT 2005

here's something i've come up with in israel this year:

take seeds out of ripe tomatoes of all types to ferment them in separate
containers before 
rinsing and drying seeds to save for future plantings (more details in any
good seed saving 

take the remaining fruit parts, flesh and skins, and let them cook in a
full-sun solar oven all day 
(do it in a covered pot inside the oven, and mash them up some). that evening,
mash everything 
through a sieve to separate out skins and any solids. what you're left with is
a thick tomato 
soup/juice. either simmer this in an uncovered pot and/or put back into the
solar oven the next 
day to evaporate off the liquid, stirring frequently. eventually you get an
incredibly delicious 
tomato paste in a low volume form. either can or freeze this for long term

i did this two days ago and am also doing it right now, adding NOTHING except
a little water i 
used to rinse the sieve. the flavor is amazing and needed no salt at all,
although who knows 
what you may want to add to it for use later (garlic? basil? orgegano?...)

good luck and good eating!

also, i've begun a residential permaculture center in jerusalem. if you want
to come stay here 
and help get it running, you're welcome to get in touch. it's a little slice
of heaven.

akiva werbalowsky

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