[Southern California Permaculture] Sat March 1: "A Day in the Pacifica Gardens" with Marshall Chrostowski

Wes Roe, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Thu Feb 6 11:50:55 PST 2014

Modern culture often prioritizes efficiency over 
aesthetics. Federal and State policies actually 
dissuade graduate schools from investing in 
campus grounds and landscapes. Pacifica must 
continue to offer and value a ‘green’ campus 
environment, with the beauty of its gardens, the 
sustainability of its organic orchards, and 
animal-friendly plantings. The soul of place 
feeds the soul of being
 and learning.
      ~ Steve Aizenstat, Founding President and Chancellor,
          Pacifica Graduate Institute

Dear Friends,

We would like to invite you to a special day at 
Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Lambert Road 
Campus. Celebrating the Soul of the World: A Day 
in the Pacifica Gardens with Michael Sipiora and 
Marshall Chrostowski will be held on Saturday, 
March 1 from 9:00 am-5:30 pm (see flyer below).

Experience the splendid grounds of Pacifica 
Graduate Institute’s Lambert Road Campus as you 
are introduced to its internationally acclaimed 
approach to psychology and myth. The result of 
more than 20 years of thoughtful cultivation, the 
landscapes and other elements of the this campus 
have gained renown for their beauty and for how 
well they support the mission and values of the 
Institute. The 13-acre campus is the preserved 
core of a much larger property developed by Max 
Fleischmann in the 1920’s. It has evolved from an 
abandoned horse ranch into a unique melding of 
Mediterranean gardens with native California 
flora and edible landscapes that form a green 
belt around the campus. In addition to applying 
the best horticultural and ecological principles, 
Pacifica has re-introduced garden elements that 
reflect historical occupations on the site, 
including ones honoring native Chumash villagers.

Join Landscape Manager (and 2013 Santa Barbara 
Independent Local Hero) Marshall Chrostowski and 
Professor Michael Sipiora in an intense aesthetic 
and intellectual engagement with a beautiful, 
inspirational location. Accessible, 
conversational presentation of relevant themes 
from Pacifica’s lecture halls­notions of soulful 
engagement, poetic dwelling, and the thought of 
the heart­will be interwoven with leisurely but 
structured tours of the campus gardens. We will 
spend time focusing on specific sites on the 
campus and the particular beauty of each location 
by highlighting the horticultural, ecological, 
historical, and psychological contexts in play. A 
healthful lunch will be provided by our campus 
caterer utilizing food grown in the gardens. You 
will learn how the Institute’s motto, Animae 
Mundi Colendae Gratia­Latin “for the sake of 
tending the soul of the world”­is not just the 
directive for its scholarly and professional 
pursuits; it has also guided the creation of the 
incredible place that is Pacifica.

Michael P. Sipiora, Ph.D., is core faculty at 
Pacifica where he teaches in the Clinical 
Psychology, Depth Psychology, and Mythological 
Studies programs. He holds graduate degrees in 
psychology and philosophy, and has published in 
the areas of phenomenology and archetypal 
psychology. Before coming to Pacifica, Michael 
was a professor at Duquesne University in their 
Human Science Psychology program. He is a 
licensed psychologist, practicing 
psychotherapist, and has been active in narrative 
based organizational development consulting.

Marshall Chrostowski is the land manager for both 
of Pacifica Graduate Institute’s campuses. He 
holds advanced degrees in soil science, plant, 
and tropical ecology, and ethnobotany. He 
originally came to Pacifica in 1989 to renovate 
the long-abandoned grounds and orchards at the 
future Lambert Road Campus. By 1993, under 
Marshall’s guidance, several acres had been set 
aside for a demonstration mini-farm. Over the 
next five years, it expanded to become a regular 
food source for student dining services, the 
Pacifica community, and the greater Santa Barbara 
area. The farm and orchards at Pacifica 
specialize in both advanced and traditional 
organic growing practices. The staff teaches 
sustainable farming and seed saving techniques to 
the interns and volunteers who aid in cultivation 
and harvesting. Marshall was honored as a Local 
Hero in 2013 by the Santa Barbara Independent for 
his contributions to local gardening, farming, 
and fundraising for the Santa Barbara Foodbank.
Space is limited. For more information and 
registration, see the attached flyer, contact 
Pacifica Graduate Institute Public Programs 
Department at 805.969.3626, ext. 103 or 
<mailto:publicprograms at pacifica.edu>publicprograms at pacifica.edu<mailto:publicprograms at pacifica.edu> 
or visit our 


Public Programs Department
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Tel: <tel:805.969.3626%2C%20ext.%20103>805.969.3626, ext. 103
Fax: <tel:805.879.7392>805.879.7392
<mailto:publicprograms at pacifica.edu>publicprograms at pacifica.edu<mailto:publicprograms at pacifica.edu>

Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo

(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
margie at sbpermaculture.org

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