[Southern California Permaculture] An New Format for the Permaculture Design Certification Course- with Warren Brush

Ana Brush anabrush at permaculturedesign.us
Tue May 12 15:18:24 PDT 2015

What's different about our 4 week Permaculture Design Certification (PDC)
and Farm Apprenticeship course and a usual 2-week PDC? The opportunity to
dive deeper into topics and actually get your hands dirty in a small group
environment! *Only a few spaces left*

Take your knowledge to the next level from July 5- August 2, 2015.
Tuition: $3400 USD

Different models for creatively delivering the standard 72 hour
Permaculture Design Course (PDC) curriculum have surfaced over the years to
better equip the student for the life long learning journey that
permaculture inspires and demands. Warren has always wanted to move toward
a longer term, hands on mentoring PDC where students are immersed in a
thriving farm setting in small groups. This happened for the first time
last year at Casitas Valley Farm and will happen again this summer.

How does this month-long permaculture Design Course and Farm Apprenticeship
look like with Warren and over twenty guest facilitators at the farm from
July 5th to August 2nd, 2015? Here is the thumbnail list of subjects that
make up our curriculum for the *twelve students *we accept into the program:

Course logistics, farm orientation and tour
Principles of permaculture and resiliency
Cultural ecology and pattern learning
Building a wheel of life that symbolizes natural patterns
Landscape pattern observation exercise
Storytelling campfire
Ecological processes in nature
Permaculture design methodology
Element analysis exercise
Small property design exercise
Indigenous permaculture
Patterns in nature and design
Herbal medicine and wild harvesting practicum
Herbal gardens
Water in landscape
Forests and biophysical functions
Forest/orchard observation walk
Climates, biomes and microclimates
Earthworks for resiliency
Earthworks practicum for surveying, mapping, and layout
Bioswale practicum
Living soil and the soil food web
Compost teas
Soil building around the world
Thermophyllic compost making and practicum
Vermicompost systems and practicum
Vermicompost enterprises
Animal systems design and practicum
Tropical landscape design
Temperate landscape design
Arid landscape design
Appropriate technology
Broad acre permaculture
Farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR)
Keyline systems
Holistic management
Food forest systems and practicum
Tree planting, irrigation and orchard care
Grafting and pruning
Bee tending and systems design
Bee enterprise development
Mushroom cultivation
Mushroom enterprise development
Aquaponics systems and practicum
Journey to Quail Springs Permaculture
Watershed observation walk
Arid land farming strategies and animal systems
Natural building systems and practicum
Butchering, sanitation and honoring the animal
Yogurt, cheesemaking and bread making
International development and permaculture
Permagardens and practicum
Water, waste and opportunity - greywater and rainwater harvesting
Greywater system design and practicum
Horticulture and permaculture
Nursery development, plant starts and seed saving
Design project practicum
Base map creation
Working as a permaculture consultant
Invisible structures in permaculture
The permaculture movement
Bioregional organization
Celebration, feasting and certification
Wrapping the bundle

In addition to these subjects, the students learn important lessons around
community integration, group synergy, and enterprise development.

Learn, build and thrive!

*Register today at: http://www.casitasvalley.com/#!courses/c144e
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