[Southern California Permaculture] Nature-based, All-ages Play - Santa Barbara - Update

Lindsay maypop at riseup.net
Wed Jul 17 13:31:16 PDT 2019

Thank you to all who made it out today to Stevens Park!  It was really
lovely...  About 8 parents and their children, with ages ranging from 2
months old to 11 years old, made it out today...  I particularly was
touched by the 11 year old that wanted to push my 21 month old in the
swing and carry her over to me when she was done    So adorable and my
little one was just gobbling up all the attention!

Ok, if you want to stay informed of All-Aged Play Day info...please add
yourself to this Facebook group --

About the group => This All Age Play Day group is inspired by the work
of Peter Gray and his book, "Free to Learn," which highlights the
importance of all-age play for learning and social development.  

This group started in July 2019 and focuses on creating a safe and vital
space for our children to play, bond, and explore.  Some interests of
this group include unschooling, nature-based learning, and attachment
parenting...and we are open to everyone and anyone ready to play...

Take care,


personal website: www.madhupamaypop.com

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